She’s just abusing her privilege! I for one think pink hair should be illegal unless it’s truly warranted.
She’s just abusing her privilege! I for one think pink hair should be illegal unless it’s truly warranted.
You’ve had a rough day at work, and you’re just trying to find a parking space for your small, city-friendly, fuel-efficient vehicle
Very few people, including most writers and readers, buy the vehicle they need. They buy the vehicle they want to and can (sometimes) afford. Nobody needs a BMW, Tesla, sports car, Jeep, roadster or any other car any of us would like to own. They all need a camry or a Grand Caravan. Or really just a bus…
The guy had no automobile. He happened to be the one to help because he was on foot on his way to work. Maybe Offset took that into consideration and got the dude something that would have a light tax bill, low insurance premiums, and be easily repairable in the garage with cheap, readily available parts.
That’s just plain ugly. $24k gets you looking ridiculously ugly.
I get your point, but a Tahoe is not hideous. This thing is hideous.
Those wheels violate the Geneva Conventions.
I mean, the truck doesn’t look that frozen in anything. Find someone with a winch and pull that sucker out of there. And it looks like the backhoe is close to/on the shore. It’ll be an expensive recovery, but possible.
He’s probably only got another 82 payments on that truck. No big deal.
I bought a car that I thought that I would like to commute an hour to a job I thought I would love...I hated that job, and thus grew to hate the commute. Soon after I hated the 2013 base Jetta manual that I bought brand new to drive there.
Oh give me a fucking break. Society failed him by making him an idolized millionaire? Get a fucking grip.
I hope Orlove and Ballaban return to reviewing cars immediately. I do not come to Jalopnik read about politics.
It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.
It’s a car blog, seems like all it is lately is a way to critique the new administration. Get back to car stories, if I want political comedy I will go to the huffington post.
You seem like the type of “mindset” that purposely misses the trashcan so that a Janitor can pick it up for you....
I continue to be amazed by this. Handing back the cars and taking the money isnt enough?
Impoverishing our allies? When did it become our duty to lather them in our finances? Much like the NATO argument, people seem to forget we foot the bill and supplement many EU countries defense budgets. While Germany spends a fraction of what we do on Defense, we get a couple of strategic bases. And those in turn…
*Because they’re American, so they’re going to get a slap on the wrist.
CSC took over security at University of Wisconsin events a few years back. First weekend they blocked people from returning to seating sections from restrooms or concessions without showing ticket stubs. They were so authoritarian that the athletic department was forced to apologize on Monday. My guess is that their…