

Oh, and if the fanboys are upset about an Asian girl taking part in the action, you can just sideline her and take away her courage. 

My least favorite notion from TRoS is that thousands of non-affiliated ships take the extremely dangerous route to Exegol to help the Resistance fighters when asked by a man, after none (zero, zilch, zip) showed up when a mayday signal was sent out by a woman in TLJ. This may be the most sexist idea in the entire

you’re making me miss Four Loko (old version)

No matter what the impetus for the initial use (and eventual addiction) of opiates by those caught up in that tragedy, they once made a choice to use.

That’s a grim story. Is a triple suicide too much to hope for?

Mike White was on The Amazing Race, not Survivor. I remember his season, teaming up with his gay dad. It was as poignant as reality competition shows get, I suppose.

Ditto the other commenters on Lego Movie. It makes me wonder what Disney was thinking when they took Lord and Miller off the Solo movie... Ron Howard produced such a sodden soggy lump of blah, they couldn’t have been happy with the result, could they?

Haven’t seen much love for Barton Fink on here.

Michel Gondry is the king of these types of things. His video for Cibo Matto’s “Sugar Water”, with two long takes running forwards and backwards simultaneously, then flipping in the middle and running in the opposite direction, still blows my mind.

I can read between the lines to make my own determination, but how exactly do you FEEL about homosexuality? Do those meanies on the left make you FEEL BAD about your BAD FEELINGS about gay people? Well, boo fucking hoo, buddy. It’s obvious that what you don’t understand about this would take me too long to explain,

Jeffrey- If you're still in SD, I'd suggest El Indo on India Street. Although El Indio sometime gets dinged for being "inauthentic" (they have, after all, been open since 1940, when authenticity wasn't an issue…and I don't think the recipes have changed much since), and they're significantly more than 2/$.99, their

But that's not his real name… oh, you mean the Vegas entertainer, not the director of Moon and Source Code?


I think he held onto that feeeeeeeeeling.

Not annoying. Brilliant.

Why a burrito? I love watching the katsuobushi curl as if they're alive on top of my hot okonomiyaki. I can't imagine putting that in a tortilla.

Let me explain this joke: More like a sock (his) girlfriend.

1976? I think it was probably an 8mm loop.

Thanks, forgot all about that Harry Crews book. I remember it being a nasty-spirited little number. Then a couple of gals started a band with his name as their name, and the rest is history or something. I'm so old.