If my son murdered my SO/their other parent (on top of countless other innocent people), I would probably cross that “irredeemable” line pretty fucking quick.
If my son murdered my SO/their other parent (on top of countless other innocent people), I would probably cross that “irredeemable” line pretty fucking quick.
I haven't seen Rise of Skywalker yet, but now I feel like I should never watch it because none of this awesome shit happens in it.
You Were Never Really Here was "okay." Definitely not good enough to recommend someone skips another movie entirely.
Reading the replies to you, it looks like this is something the couple has to work out, but lying is not “working it out.” Lying is the worst thing, it ruins strong relationships that have been solid for years.
The creature in Rogue One IS a Mind Flayer.
I saw it in the theater and bought it day one. It’s a solid flick.
They basically had to undo The Last Jedi. The people who actually pay for these things hated it and the people who see it for free and then write about its problems loved it. At the end of the day it’s economics, not art.
If there is a season 2, 3, etc. Fargo'ing it is the best option. A 90s story, a story with Angela well settled into her godessness etc
So basically this is Michael Bay's Batman movie?
The cannon teleported him. It did not kill him.
The cannon “forced him to teleport” if I recall correctly. It did not kill him.
I’m surprised to see The Mandalorian on here. It is a fun show to watch and sink 40 minutes into, especially with my 9 year old son, but overall it is far less than what I expected out of it.
Regarding the cannon, I think most people accept that Manhattan “knows” the future, but like he says in the show, he just experiences time all at once.
I think Crudup’s performance is why we don’t see much of pre-Cal Manhattan.
I'll mostly agree with this list, although I think Hannibal should be #1, Silicon Valley should be higher, and I think Better Call Saul is noticably better than Breaking Bad.
I binged this show in two weeks in preparation for the final season and and I loved every moment of it. I did not miss Erlich one bit, as Gilfoyle and Jared are the two stand out hilarious characters. Jian Yang also has his moments.
Depends. Vince Gilligan and his team write themselves into holes all the time
Pretty good list. I would’ve liked to have seen:
I enjoy Fury Road, but I’d pick any of the John Wick films over it for a “super stylized senseless violence that looks awesome" movie.
Agreed. Nightcrawler was an EXCELLENT movie.