
He’s relatively boisterous and happy when we meet him in BB S2, and BCS is already close enough to that that if Kim is somehow killed it just makes no sense for him to bounce back that quickly given how important she is to him right now. It also doesn’t make much sense narratively to tease out the present day plot for

Maybe Nacho doesn’t want to do that because the last “bullets just for show” he got from Gus hurt like hell.

I thought he’d be the one to shoot Lalo himself!

People still speculating whether Kim dies or not is getting old. She clearly does not die in S6. It’s impossible. Not happening. There’s no part of Jimmy/Saul in BB that carries the weight of having a loved one die. He’d have mentioned it, it would have been an integral part of his character and the writers of this

I think Ice Cube is the ultimate source from AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted...

If Lalo finds out that somebody shot a Jimmy, yes, he will find it weird that somebody was there to rescue Jimmy. More importantly, someone knew about the money transfer and was ready to let him rot in jail. There is a betrayer on his side. Whether he believes Kim’s version of the story or not, he knows that she’s

But what a great way to pull him back in. You know shit’s gonna get hectic when he gets out.

Predator is a bit of a stretch, but it’s Predator. So I’ll stretch.

The Pest

Honestly, anyone who lived in such a house would instantly be added to Hannibal’s Rolodex of Rude.

Support thread for folks who found both Force Awakens and TLJ boring and realized you’ll never love Star Wars as much as you did as a child and that’s ok

I believe it’s “catch a case on some bullshit”

So, he was an absolute moron with terrible judgment. But he confronted his stupidity, accepted his wrongness, and learned. In 2019, that seems like a fucking miracle.

Honestly, I feel like giving this guy a parade.

Counterpoint: NDT has taught me many things, and Jack Crosbie has not enriched my life in literally any conceivable way.

Also, it must be stressed that the specific writers and director involved in this were behind “International Assassin”, one of the best episodes of television written this decade, so while it does look a bit generic, I trust the team behind this completely..

The last few minutes of Blair Witch undid me. I left the theatre so terrified, at 3 in the afternoon. Also, The Ring, when she climbs out of the tv. Ohboy.

Stop demanding we act politically correct towards Ohio, please.

From the Rust Belt to the Bible Belt, small-town America in 2019 is defined by its abandoned shopping centers, crumbling facades, and garish casinos, where those who weren’t able to move on to bigger and better things piss away what little hope they have left.”

That’s, um, not true. You could at least use a word like

the night comes for us was straight-up the most visceral action flick i’ve seen in a while (the last one where i probably whooped and even cringed was the man from no where). i’ve been trying to convince my co-workers to watch it.