
Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and

The same thing happened to America with Rudy just after 9/11. THIS WILL PASS.

As much as I, and I’m sure many others, appreciate this cute formatting of a review, I came here to read what the differences are between this current iteration of the game over previous games in the series. A quick scan of your writing and I couldn’t find where you describe these differences because you’re too busy

I don’t recline, but you are wrong.  As long as its a feature, no one is a monster for using it.

Easily the best thing I’ve read here in ages.  Thanks for this!

Max, that's FANTASTIC work. Well done.

Do you like ketchup on your burger? Then it belongs on your burger.

Between the flag-humping pregame, the fake performative Christians clutching their pearls about halftime, the team with the racist nickname winning, and then the President not knowing which state that team’s city is in, this Super Bowl was the perfect microcosm of America.

The relationship between the British press and their royalty is baffling, hilarious, and deeply creepy. “How dare our prince step back from his sacred royal duties of presenting awards, attending funerals and pretending to run charities! And just because we’ve been relentlessly abusing him and his wife for years? This

I thought yesterday’s article about Mayo Pete did that.

I really did not want the Mr. Music bit to end. 

Great front to back, but when Mr. Music showed up, it went to a whole new level. 

Please let him die on Christmas Day.

Jezspin forever

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

I just read in another thread that they closed off that address. Maybe this one still works?

Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.

"I really doubt that."