
Umm... isn't the point of video chat to SEE the other person? Unless you have two monitors, this isn't particularly practical.

Nope.. the most evil app i know of is the SMS Bomber. Haha send as many text messages as you want to a number.

I think they went.. I don't really like how this piece turned out and hit the thing.. then went hey... that looks pretty cool... and the rest is history.

Despite the fragmented nature of Android, things like this are the reason I love having a Google phone. :)

I read "black lace, a pearl necklace" and couldn't concentrate anymore.

My favorite WiFi name i've seen in a while was named, FU Get your own Wifi. The best part was that it was unsecured.

Or use Tasker to set up a car mode when bluetooth is connected to read out messages to you.

Vote: Meebo

Is it submergible? Cuz that'd put the icing on this cake.

@SkiBum1207: To answer your question.. I got the Canon Rebel XT when it came out, cost me around 650 (now retails for around 100 less) and the newer versions of the line are slightly more expensive. It's a decent DSLR.

Okay... it cost 50 bucks to NOT rip .iso and full video ts? I'll stick to handbrake and RipIt, thanks. Even though it's free, I'll pass.

Am I the only one who made the Doctor Octopus connection?

@thechansen: If you are on an android phone, it's actually easier with a link, since it'll take you directly there. If your on a computer, the QR is nice because you can just whip out your phone and capture the code. Unless there's a way to open QR codes on android i've been missing?

@Zinger314: Just be glad she hasn't found a new match to light her fireworks.

I think this is geared toward women... the website is brought to you by "weeplaces"... any one else thinkin' what i'm thinkin?

There's a reason his last name is Diment(ed).