Holy crap does it need a way to mark an email as unread!
Holy crap does it need a way to mark an email as unread!
I switched to DigitalOcean a few months ago and couldn’t be happier. It’s not quite as simplified as some but is the most extensive of the cheap options I’ve found.
I switched to DigitalOcean a few months ago and couldn’t be happier. It’s not quite as simplified as some but is the…
Google Domains : https://domains.google : I love it because it’s easy to use, ties in perfectly with the rest of your Google account, and they have free private registrations (isn’t it like upwards of $12/year at other places?). Like others, they have a ton of the GTLD’s to choose from (.ninja, .business, etc, along…
Google Domains : https://domains.google : I love it because it’s easy to use, ties in perfectly with the rest of…
I bought the hub during the last deal and so far have been a little disappointed. It was cool that I could hook up any IR remote controlled device (like my AC and Eufy Robovac) as well as my PS3 over Bluetooth, but I found a few caveats.
I bought the hub during the last deal and so far have been a little disappointed. It was cool that I could hook up…
Oh fuck off. Jesus christ.
They exist without logos: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014OOW70S?psc=1
They exist without logos: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014OOW70S?psc=1
This is a discussion about drinking beer while you shower. If you’re the type of artisotractic person who snubs beer based exclusively on the container, you should probably just sit this one out.
This sounds like a great idea. And since one I live literally 2 min away from CHQ and two I work here, I will pass this suggestion along.
Translated for Trump supporter’s:
...but you didn’t hear anything because the sound driver was out of date.
“$4.99, but it’s on sale right now for 99¢” - it’s been on a pretty-much perpetual sale for months...
1. You’re absolutely insane buying a OTR suit or coat without knowing the fit of a particular manufacturer and line. Some things you can alter, but others you can’t, and poor fittings can make a $1500+ suit look like garbage.
1. You’re absolutely insane buying a OTR suit or coat without knowing the fit of a particular manufacturer and line.…
Meh. When it APIs to my Amazon Echo, let me know.
Meh. When it APIs to my Amazon Echo, let me know.
It’s a thing.
This makes way more sense than what I was thinking, which was butt dial.
Was this really a mystery that the average person couldn’t resolve with just a moment’s pause?
Came here to say this. The best way to catch typos, spelling errors, and poor grammar is to have someone else look at the piece. If that is not feasible, reading fully (no skimming) out loud is the best way to catch one’s mistakes.
Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace!