
@gtaz19: It'd be nice for people to read..

I absolutely love google maps, but is there an app that can cache full maps of say a 5/10 mile area for those times you just don't have service? I'm probably asking alot but I'm sure it'd be helpful to many other people. (For android)

Very creative. Very aesthetically pleasing. Though the only one I could see myself trying would be "The Oreo", the rest don't sound too appetizing..

@Archon810: Thanks for the links but none of those options really appeal to me.. I guess I'll wait for better options or just not do it.

Now could we have an article on what to do with a rooted android phone? I mean I know I CAN, but i don't know what is there that I would wanna do.

ooh. now i know what my first tattoo is going to be!

@Zinger314: Agreed. This sort of thing is for parties with TONS of beer. But then again.. this WAS made in France. 'nough said.

Is there anything binder clips CANT do?!

@hmtilford: I believe the article says "DRM-free".. though i was upset as well.

@nootron: It looks like it swivels.. therefore you could put one on either ear.. just like most bluetooth headsets.

My friend has these. 5.1 and under 400. Think they're an amazing deal.

But this means your camera is tethered by the length of your USB cord.. so technically it's wireless but it's not really wireless.

@FriarNurgle: Nope, the public will wanna be the "cool" parent and buy a Playboy.. but Steve will forever be the nagging mother.. sigh.

@2 replies: Though it'll hurt alot more...

Just made two and flung them around the office.. almost broke two monitors.. I'm blaming giz.

Yeah, or you could get slips ons. It's alot faster.

@vinylrake: not really.. hiding your SSID isn't exactly a normal thing to do therefore you have to poke around in the settings to do that. And if your comfortable doing that, chances are there's going to be a few other things to slow hackers (more like crackers) down.

Looks like the seats on stand up roller coasters.. and I can barely deal with those for... 15 minutes. Even if they're leather and cushioned, I couldn't deal with that.