I forgot how awesome this song really is. Original or GTFO.
I forgot how awesome this song really is. Original or GTFO.
She is so sick of these young rapists being seen as monsters. So so sick of it.
There is so much that’s wrong with this case, it’s sickening. But there is something we can do about this. We can file a complaint with the CA judiciary commission against Persky. One need not be a resident to do so.
But he swims gud! What’s a little rape if he swims gud?! Why 4 u so politically corect?!
Don’t forget that the caption on that high school photo was “D’awwwwwwwww!”
I am not blaming her directly for this, because
that isn’t rightI would be pilloried but she really was promiscuous, and Brock should be allowed to teach that course on female promiscuity and drinking and how it leads to all sorts of bad things for the men involved.
LOL. The effects of speed and coke are probably very similar if you are rich and thick. Is she American? Something I don’t understand. Is she on crystal meth or is she on speed? Methamphetamine and amphetamine are not same thing. I assume the latter because we don’t have much meth in the UK. In fact, I would be very…
You could approach her about if you want, but keep in mind you’re acting on lunch gossip you got from a friend of a friend who heard it from a “piece of shit” drug dealer. I guess if it’s true, you’re a good person for reaching out to her. If it’s not, you’re at least giving her a heads up that people in her circle…
Oh, good. American society is continuing to function as intended.
They should have proper sex ed and access to birth control. The former makes teens put sex off, and the latter keeps them from dealing with the shittiest consequences of their stupid teen brains.
sorry but when someone tells me theyre abused and has a picture of said abuse i believe them
Unless it turns out the person didn't commit the crime at all which...you know...happens.
You do or you don’t....pick one.
Aniya, I’m sorry all of the adults are being awful. You’re handling this really well, and you look great. I hope you had fun at the prom.
I haven’t had any cakes from Whole Foods, so I can’t say how theirs are, but you can do a decent gluten-free or vegan dessert if you pick one that’s well-suited to it, e.g. one that has a lot of chocolate or peanut butter. But not everything is going to work, and the more “-free” you want it, the harder it will be to…
Well the medical examiner came straight out and said that even though Amy Joyner had a heart condition, the fight and getting assaulted caused her heart to fail. So here’s hoping that counts and doesn’t allow for leniency.
Right? The fact that she had a heart condition doesn’t mean that these girls didn’t kill her. If they hadn’t attacked her she’d still be alive.
Azealia Banks is a marginally talented asshole.
212 is such a good song, you horrible, awful, racist, garbage fire.