Thank goodness you translated. I can usually follow along with the Cher-Language, but I thought she was having a stroke after reading this one.
Thank goodness you translated. I can usually follow along with the Cher-Language, but I thought she was having a stroke after reading this one.
Cher: she is talking about going to See’s Candies, which is clearly her fave, because she knows a lady who’s been there 16 years. But a man who’s only been there 2.5 years is already the manager.
I of beholder asshole. Many consider him a patriot on par with Revere.
In deed. You’re safer playing with a bag of feral cats.
Actually your the balls do all the work on that one.
Nothing kills your gun boner like a chick who is about to turn 30.
Let’s not forget the subtext here. I’m pretty sure they also mean white.
I had my son at home with a licensed midwife and let me tell you what a fucking shit show nightmare it was when we tried to get his birth certificate and with the IRS when we tried to get our earned income credit at tax time. It took almost a year of fighting to get his birth certificate and then the IRS made us fight…
Funnily, I just realised that as an Australian there is perhaps no greater existential insult to our identity than to be beaten to the punch in voting out the monarchy, by the British themselves.
Well if the British monarchy didn’t exist the world would be vastly different than what it is today, who’s to say for better or worse? In any case, like a cucumber-flavoured condom after Hendrick’s night at the club, it really has served it’s usefulness and needs to be thrown away sooner rather than later.
Hell no! She was way too into causing drama. I friendship-divorced her when she started cheating in med school. It was just the final straw that made me realize she was not the type of person I wanted to know.
Nope. But that’s ok. Not every student will value language arts or school in general the same way. All I can do is try to show them its worth and its power and hope that they become more capable and well-prepared linguists.
...other than semen.
I feel EXACTLY the same way. It’s like he ruins everything just be being
I fundamentally don’t like him as an actor and I don’t understand why. He’s not particularly awful, there are definitely more obnoxious actors (cough Jeremey Renner cough). I honestly have no idea why I so utterly dislike him.
High school Language Arts teacher here. It’s a shame that the majority of traditional educators don’t take into consideration the human side of their students. I’m fortunate enough to teach at a very open, accessible school, where I’m given liberties with my curriculum I wouldn’t dream of taking elsewhere. I couldn’t…
9. Hear an opinion or worldview different from your own, and actually listen to it without interrupting or losing your damn mind.
Ditto. I never had a bummer on acid but shrooms..? Man, I had some death trips on shrooms.