
The BBC only reported what Heimlich said! Now you’re a LIAR.

I can’t post this enough.

Soo Keyster.

We get it. You watch too much television.

“They invoke the spirits. They light black candles, and red and blue candles. I’ve never participated. I only saw from a distance. But at services, they do special meals. They offer meals to the bad spirits, and light candles,”

‎إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون

I'm sure that wouldn't freak her out at all.

That’s awful. I’m glad you pride yourself on reading people, you should be proud of your ability to gossip, make fun of a sick person, not tell them that they are being robbed AND poisoned and obviously secretly hoping they lose their internship. You could have helped, even in a small way.

Zayn is my favourite Muslim. I hope Donald lets him come back soon after deporting him.

Meanwhile, in Guantánamo Bay:

In other news: US drones kill hundreds of civilian women and children in schools and hospitals this week. Nice export.

Donald Trump. Please let it be Donald Trump.

This is right up there with “who should the USA bomb next”?

At least he got free rent and meals.

I can already taste the difference.

Henry Ford also had his security team club and beat employees who wanted to unionise for better conditions.

Was she in her late 20s or 17? Don't leave us hanging!

Don't worry, it's just America. There are much better places to live.

And she wasn't the first person he slept with other than Paradis during the marriage.

You said you didn’t know if you believed her or not. Pointing out that it was documented in the article you referred to, including a pretty brutal Rihanna-style photograph is not being a dick.