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I think she's more of a military clock: barely right once a day.

And she hasn't even released her first (last) album yet. Sniff.

She ignant.

I’d give her a hall pass, cause bitch don't learn.

Right? What OTHER reason would someone give for beating someone in the head OTHER than damage???

I don't think I ever want to visit the US.

And I’m calling BS on the consensual argument. They can’t ask a dead person whether they consented to being killed. And the bitches that filmed it weren’t going to let her out until she was fully beaten and humiliated. If you’ve never been in a circle of teen savages yelling “fight fight fight!” then you don't know.

As someone who was repeatedly violently physically bullied on high school, I hope this “innocent” teen does suffer the maximum consequences. If the girl had not died I'm betting their would have been zero consequences.

People take baths in American high schools???

I misread it originally and thought it was a sex tape of her taking a leak on him.

or would want to see having sex

When I saw the guy and girl and heard about their stolen sex tape I simply assumed some nice person had lifted it and erased it to spare the public.

The original show in Britain did it two years ago.

How can you say “it doesn’t do shit”? A very large portion of adults suffer from IBS, Chrohn’s, indigestion, and in my case, antibiotic digestive syndrome and life was unbearable without probiotics. They worked. Just because “studies are unclear” does not equate to “they don't work. Clue up.

I don’t think it’s very fair to write a headline saying that Mahsa Torabi “broke the rules” when she diligently obeyed every rule they devised in order to run.

They allowed her to register. That's not a ban. The headline says she broke the rules and to be fair, she obeyed every rule they devised in order to run.

I think police work is more “tase it and find out if it lives”.

Perhaps “infested” is a better word.

Is it just me, or does her blouse have a vagina?