
Agreed, but Rory was shown to be a hustler about her career earlier in the series (paper the Huntzberger's owned). Just seems off that she could not have landed somewhere more permanent with her connections.

I'm saying the last time WE saw them together. That's our last memory of their interaction. So we assume they've been friendly after that I guess? (4 years ago). It was just a weird moment as fans to basically act like they were just acquaintances.

The Jess part…so they haven't seen each other in 4 years and the last time we saw them they kissed??? And they barely look like they even know each other. What a lousy pay-off for fans. At least embrace, act like you like each other and are happy to see each other. Haven't watched Fall yet, but I'm guessing it doesn't

You're right. I had forgotten in the original series there were quite a few fat jokes. Always made me scratch my head.

Exactly. I kept thinking who else I would rather be watching about 1 minute into the musical. I would've taken pretty much anyone. Kirk, Lulu and Petal even.

It was awful. Words. So bad.

I can not, repeat, can not understand how 25 minutes of the show was devoted to a musical which featured no one from the original cast, as that is the only way it could have even remotely been redeemed.

I'm trying not to concentrate on the money angle and just seeing it as she's more mentally "broke". Money had always just been a means for education for Rory. It wasn't something she used to really enhance other areas of her life. For her not having a steady job or career is probably the worst part of her current

It definitely was, but it seemed intention to me. Getting the "Winchester" reference in there.

Exactly right about the therapy sessions. So much wasted time.

It wouldn't have been GG without a massive Emily/Lorelai blow-out. So I feel like this just sets up a more permanent reconciliation at the end of the series.

Not team Logan. But I agree with everything you said. I just always wanted Rory and Jess to get a moment when things weren't so crazy for Jess or when they were both older. It just never seemed to happen and his appearances later in the series just made it more difficult, because Logan was always the awful one during

I think its easy to pile on Lorelai and at times she infuriates me, but I could not imagine growing up with a mother like Emily. Possibly because my mom is easily one of the most sweetest people on earth. Lorelai was determined to not be like her mother and I suppose she succeeded on a whole other level. Her levity

At this point I think they deserve each other. They seem to understand each other and as long as they don't want anything more from each other. Logan still wants or sees value in getting married to someone?? Rory maybe doesn't feel the need to get married?

I agree with most of your points. On board with Paul as a joke and call out for the new boyfriend, but the joke should've ended much earlier in the episode, and probably should not have lasted 2 years. That's just mean. I thought the lighting was off in this episode. Maybe that was intentional, but everything just

Hands down one of my favorite moments of the episode.

The only way this makes sense is if they are picking up after season 6. Which I've heard mention. Or they just reconnected in the last year or so. 9 years of back and forth? No thanks. Also, Logan has a girlfriend too. They are both horrible.

Agreed. They all knew their roles. (Thats why I don't get why people plied on Lucas so much)..Also loved how Dustin got to be so much more then the slightly chunky funny kid. Dustin held it all together. And he got to carry the girl! though Mike got the kiss.

My favorite heartwarming moment was Dustin carrying El. After such a brutal confrontation with the agents it was a very tender moment.

I felt the reason we didn't actually see blood and gore was to leave room for him being alive?