Shhhhh - the preemptive outrage is trying to merit clicks...
Shhhhh - the preemptive outrage is trying to merit clicks...
While you’re correct in saying those connections have been more than adequately drawn in peer reviewed journals, literature, essays and film, it’s never been done in a medium as far reaching as an HBO series. All those other mediums are ones people actively have to seek out, they have to be interested in learning…
Okay, let’s be clear that she certainly should have taken the gloves off when she started talking to people and posing for photos after handing out food, but did you guys really only pull the images of her wearing gloves while she was handing out food and while they were eating (which mean she’d probably JUST been…
In fairness, while I have no love for Sargon of Akkad, interrupting a panel to single out one member of the crowd, calling him “human garbage”in what I can only imagine was an attempt to get the crowd to turn on him doesn’t let you claim the moral high ground on harassment. Anita came off as the harasser to an outside…
Texas where we’re taking the bull by the horns and trying to fix Houston’s and Dallas’ public pension problems. I moved from CA two years ago.
Tough titty. It was the unions and their wholly bought and paid for politicians who caused the problem. The taxpayers were locked out of the negotiations. And nobody’s going to die from their pensions being cut.
Most of these pensions that are short are government pensions at the state and local level that weren’t funded correctly or gave away too much during union negotiations. CA and IL and NJ can suck a dick before we bail their asses out.
Maybe - just maybe - they are reporting on things that are happening, and you are just reading your own biases into it?
lmao maybe they’re just reporting on things that happen and dont push a specific agenda, leaving it up to you to figure out what to think. But that’s too difficult isn’t it? You’d rather just be told what to think..
I saw this on Twitter last night, and thought it was a really cool gesture.
Payday 2 has gotten a lot of crap for doing stupid stuff in the past. This is such an outstanding move on their part and I hope the youtubers win. This issue is too important to rollover on.
This...a million times. As an incredibly frustrated liberal I have to say I’m starting to get pissed at my friends on a daily basis who just categorically dismiss any non-liberal thought with spit spewing vitriol. Isn’t liberalism supposed to be the party with the empathy? Can’t we sit in room and listed to ideas…
So wait...let me get this straight.
If you want to help, you can probably find a local church that is working with a family through this link:
Even if you have good condition used household stuff or clothes you want to get rid of, we would be glad to put it to use!
Equal pay why? Do they generate equal revenues? If yes, then fine. If no, then you’re a bloody communist.
We have raised the money necessary to cover their living expenses for six months (about $20k), we have a place for them to live, we have household goods, we have volunteers ready to teach them English, help them learn to drive, make a resume, etc. If they can come here, I think they’ll do well and I think we’ve laid…
The problem is, this isn’t brands pulling their ads from racist videos, this is them pulling ads from the ENTIRE SITE. Hundreds of youtubers who make their living on that site have seen their income drastically go down through no fault of their own.
My money is on Andy Brandy Casagrande IV. Long line of winners
It wasn't for the whole of the credits, only the start but I liked what they did at the end of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. For such a high action game to have an ending sequence like that was a nice tonal shift.