
California is the worst run state in the US for the past three years.

California is the worst run state in the US for the past three years.

So people can’t be trusted to discount bigotry when they hear it, but are trusted to silence intolerance?

We should be tolerant of intolerance. That is exactly what free speech means. Let them say their piece, and if it’s horrible and racist let is be discounted by all listening.

The issue at hand is schools (which are government entities in the case of Berkley) giving into pressure from students to cancel speeches from conservative speakers. Even if you believe their words are hateful, they still have just as much a right to express themselves as liberal speakers do.

The freedom of speech is the right not to be treated differently than others based on your opinions.

I mean, if you think about it the rebublicans did win the house vote by 2 million votes though.

Wrong. Maybe the year they won the World Cup, but wrong.

That’s great! Kudos to you for doing the right thing!

Thank you for taking a refugee family in, it probably took a good deal of courage and effort!

Thank you for discussing with a random person on the internet all day. I have a feeling this could go on forever, amiright? But for our own good, (since I like the free market), I’m going to have to go before I have to quit both my job and school to keep this up ;) cheers!

I’ll take your word that you did not mean censoring conservative views. Thank you for clarifying.

Poor people are more religious, and therefore have less choice about school choice and more likely to be in diverse schools.

“So what gets me is these advertisers have problems with their shit on videos on Youtube they find objectionable, but I’ll say this: how many are boycotting shit like Fox News, the media arm of the Republican Party.”

My point is you’re bringing up extreme examples in order to discount moderate views. Also, by stereotyping a whole group based on the actions of a few, you use the same logic that racists use everywhere. Nice job!

Yep, that’s gotta be it. Go up to someone who you disagree with, ask them why, and if they say some answer not “It’s just cuz I hate and fear those homosexual and Muslims and those immigrant people”, YOU KNOW THATS BULLSHIT because you know their mind better than they do and should call them out on it. /s

I don’t share many of the views, but I understand that whether or not someone approves or disapproves of homosexuality is an issue of morality for many people, and it’s not my business to be critical of other’s morality, just like it’s not my business if someone’s gay or not.

Don’t be ignorant. Dismissing other’s views as “oh they HATE gays, HATE muslims, and HATE immigrants” means that you clearly don’t understand the issues at hand

Best of luck!

This has got to be one of the dumbest posts yet