
They do force wages when they don’t get what they want from negotiations (see strikes).

“Everyone who works, even if it’s ‘just flipping burgers’ needs and deserves a living wage, yes.”

You’re right. But them paying for my education was an example of my father giving me something I didn’t deserve only because I was his son.

But you are suggesting paying bad workers (comparatively to other equal level employees) the the same as good ones.

That was in response to the thread in which I said that most of the rich earned where they are right now by being better than the rest of us.

How is it not?

“Everyone who works, even if it’s ‘just flipping burgers’ needs and deserves a living wage, yes.”

it is fine, if they want to place potentially unqualified people in control of their business it’s their right to. It’s probably a bad idea, and those kids may or may not have merit, but at some point in their family someone earned that position for them.

Yes, you’re right. It is called nepotism. People show unfair favoritism to their children, but it’s their right to. They earned the right to do so by building that business, and if they want to put THEIR child in control of THEIR company and risk it being mismanaged, then so be it.

Why would someone work hard at all if they knew that however little they did, they would still earn the same amount as someone working as hard as they could?

That’s not very common, but in that case it’s the father’s reward for being “extremely intelligent” and “hardworking” enough that he can give his son or daughter such a great job. So yes, in that case their parent earned that position and passed it down to his or her children.


But the people who’s wages you’re trying to limit are all extremely intelligent and hard working, so I’d say they’re all extreme cases.

Who cares if it’s insensitive, why would they?

It happens all the time.

If a worker’s abilities are worth higher than the minimum wage, he doesn’t need a minimum wage or unions to raise it for him. When unions or the government force higher wages, it forces companies to pay workers more than they are worth, often leading to job cuts, which impact those who the raise was supposed to help

That’s not how the world works. Some people’s abilities are just worth more than others, even 30 time that.

How so?

But there would be a cap because McDonalds or another large company wouldn’t be able to pay all 420,000 of their employees 1/30 of what Steve Easterbrook makes, or $266,666. They would have to cut wages for all employees to make sure the base workers got something like $50k a year, which would result in massive

Fine. Lebron James and the assistant athletic trainer one year out of college.