Jeff Kensington

Corollary, Any intelect sufficiently advanced beyont the limits of the observer’s own will apear to be insanity.

Batshit comment, but you have rightly been torn to pieces by others. So... Yeah. Get better at understanding basketball maybe?

My two cents, gonna take your points one by one.

#1, ‘Jordan was better in per game stats across the board’ - Incorrect
The only things MJ really ‘did better’ than LeBron were FT% and shots taken/ppg. LeBron has higher FG%, 3pt%, TS%, EFG%, Ast, Reb, and is essentially the same for steals/blocks. Jordan’s primary

Or since HamNo’s model of benevolent tech socialism will never come to fruition, you could just pay for real news at any number of newspaper sites that are trying to generate revenue using a pay wall.

I’m Korean. Some Korean food can be intimidating to an American palate, it’s spicy, there’s a lot of pickling involved and maybe can smell a bit funky, like kimchi.

I honestly hope Burfict misses every game from now on and dies penniless. The guy spent his entire career trying to injure people with dirty shots.

How does it feel making millions off of unrealistic advice?

Who let the CEO of Burger King on here?

“He’s already got a nose for finishing around the hoop.”

If you take money to act against the public interest, I believe you are subject to the backlash from the public.

They ARE self serving pieces of shit. They used their campaign contributions as bribes to cajole to the highest bidders - in this case the Ford, GM, and Chrysler. They have shown what they are, and deserve all of the hate mail that they’re getting. Every one of them should be escorted OUT of their offices in

Yup, sounds like a piece of shit.

Odd religious references aside, I’m with the neighbors. I don’t want an amateur auto repair shop next to my home and if you’re honest, you probably don’t either.

I stopped reading halfway through. I know this is just a blog on the internet, but please proofread at least once before posting. So many missing, extra, or incorrect words.

Then pay for it by flying on a different airline with a more expensive fare.

If you don’t understand that logic, look at people who were looking to retire in 2008 when the market crashed. Many couldn’t retire because their portfolios were cut in half.

They worked a couple extra years and then retired after things got better.
They temporarily downsized their lifestyle, retired anyway. and drew

What is the purpose of linking the Gawker union contract and comparing how much writers make to a pilot for Spirit? Does the new Gawker employ pilots to write for you and thus the comparison is warranted?

Even if you bought at the top of the market and sold at the bottom you would be far better off then the return on investment from Social Security. Add in the factor that you can not give these savings as an inheritance and it is truly the worst investment out there.

They could offer such a plan to opt out. Any

I wish they’d let me opt out of that goddamn self-employment tax (nothing will make a Randian libertarian out of someone faster than paying the whole 15.3 for SS and Medicare) and let me invest that money.

You could even pass a law saying you have to put a certain percentage of your income into federally qualified

If someone asks you a question — any question — that begins with “Who won the,” your wild-ass guess should never be “North Korea.”