Toyota is the only one doing luxury correctly....
Toyota is the only one doing luxury correctly....
We need to stay on topic, here.
How difficult is this to do in a C8 Corvette?
Man, I need to up my game, none of my friends have tracks. I wonder if I can add racetrack to my very long Amazon wishlist...
And worst of all, they would have to wait fifty years before the Corvette C8 was released.
It would seem these thieves can 4Run, but they cant 4Hide.
Fact, if they took Murray’s van, no adults would have died (not to spoil which ones die)
A good idea that I hadn’t thought of (at my place there’s usually somebody around the house, and my work area is in view of a couple of neighbors and a decently well traveled street...)
I work in an industry where I respond to natural disasters among other things. I’ve attended many seminars on earthquakes and my mind always wonders to scenarios like this.
You are the hero we need.
So... 350 engines - 106 production cars - 20 or so F1 prototypes - 50 or so racing cars - 10 or so mules = a bunch of engines waiting to be used.
He needs something to write about. You’re asking him not to do his job. Granted, it would make sense for him to have one decent vehicle in the lot. Your daily driver shouldn’t be yet another project.
So it would be okay for me to go to the gate wearing nothing except a speedo? Trust me, you do not want that.
It was the handiwork of the Dead Milkmen.
Dave is immune to tetanus and other forms of Fe2O3 at this point due to his lifetime of exposure. They actually use his donated blood to make those tetanus vaccines.
Nerd question here— but given the fact that they retained the original engine case, made easy-ish-er by how the piston and head assemblies are individual anyway, can you tell what they did for lubrication?
992 GT3 RS with side exhausts!!!
Let’s also not forget that the corvair engines were “Good and Weird”. The flat six air cooled engine is really fascinating in its simplicity and weird with an aluminium crank case and heads and individual iron cylinders sandwiched in between. It really is as much of a shocking and experimental departure for GM as the…