
This! I’d have driven it home, parked it and waited for the dealership to call me when it was “ready”.

imagine if she DIDN’T tell them where the truck was... and returned to ask them. She should’ve let them sweat it out a bit. Stealing it back was genius.

Should an adult really need to be told not to take a customer’s car for their own errands?

I mean, the schlub at the bottom used her truck for a Lowe’s run. He deserved to be fired.

Devil’s advocate, but there usually is some governmental regulation - even at the local level - over what stores come to town and/or in airports.

But, it’s a simple solution: local communities just frame the issue as one of convenience (airports are busy on Sundays) versus “The Fundamentalist Vein of Christianity

It’s not the business. It is the founding family’s foundation. And if the family chooses to support organizations through their foundation is their business.

Well I for one, will only eat at restaraunts run by corporations who respect thier workers and thier customers.

> Some of that money, in turns, goes to groups that actively work to deprive LGBTQ people of their basic rights and dignity.

This is an overstatement, but thats ok. “Depriving LGBTQ people of their basic rights and dignity” (If thats what you choose to call “Funding youth sports that disallow gay coaches”) is not a

They WANT the state and federal government to think for them and limit choices for those who disagree with them. Hypocritical of course, since they’re all about demanding choice” when it comes to ending an unborn’s life.

Chick-Fil-A has every right to keep donating to charities that fund anti-LGBTQ, and cities have every right to not allow them to build on public land for that.”

I’m not actually defending anybody’s point of view. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy in our world. There’s plenty coming from all ideologies.

San Antonio: “To show that we are progressive and inclusive, let us discriminate against a business specifically because of the religious beliefs of its owners.”

If YOU got a chance to direct a Star Wars movie, you’d be talking about it constantly for the rest of your life. Don’t even try to convince me otherwise.

Right? I saw this with the new Ghostbusters movie. I could be happy that a bunch of talented female actors got roles in a reboot of a beloved classic. I could also say that the movie sucked. Because it did suck. And it would have probably sucked if they made it with Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill. Just because someone

than a guy who once was a few botched playcalls away from winning the Super Bowl