
Signal does

Wasn't there a Seinfeld where the parking lot company was using the cars as brothels?

Agreed! Really missed a great opportunity.


What other major company actively focuses on this stuff?

Wendy's does not make a better chicken sandwich.

This was one of my favorites

This will only work if Dwight is in it 

It especially drains the battery when you leave the flashlight on.

I agree...I hate no haggle pricing. But a big part of the value from a professional car buyer is inventory access, vehicle knowledge and time savings ..

I did the exact same thing.

Probably no goal...He didn’t write the article....or comment on it here... He’s just talking

That’s no moon...

Definitely fascinating. They will kill a humpback calf and eat just the tongue. Maybe they are trying to send a message to the humpbacks to shut their yaps!

I heard it was an accident. He was just pouting that he wasn’t the starter.. But instead of admitting that it became a protest.

This great country gives and protects the right to protest. Collin is within his rights to do so.

Last year before the season (and anthem kneeling) began Collin was in talks with Denver. I was so happy he wouldn’t take the pay cut Elway wanted him too...and our QB situation was um...not the best. (I thought we already had a better QB with Sanchez on the roster...) Collin really isn’t very good. I think the