Both my cars are XJs

This is my question as well. There’s also a gap between the Alfa team deal ending and the Audi engine deal starting (24 and 25), so what’ll they be called during that time?

WTF! How the hell is the Indy race on NBC and the NASCAR race on USA?

The imsa.tv races are also on Peacock, in case you, like me, enjoy don’t loathe Leigh Diffey.

I just leave them dirty. Then I play Dreamweaver and float through the world, in love!

Sinic’s explanation of septic systems is spot on. The amount of household cleaners used by a normal household aren’t going to kill 2000 gallons of poop water or damage a 20,000 pound concrete tank. I have heard of rental properties having problems, but those are cleaned weekly with maximum chemicals.

A thoughtful, accurate response.  I believe I’ll mark this day down.

Gloves are one thing, I want a gd ventilator and goggles too

I am a scientist who’s lived with a septic system most of my life (currently in my 7th decade). Please cite a reliable source for the statement that citric acid, in the amounts needed to clean hard water deposits off plumbing fixtures, is harmful to septic system function. Otherwise, I think you are just copying from

Oh... so that’s what those are..!!! All this time I kept wondering “how the hell is s#!t stains getting up there!!?”

Damn. You know nothing about me, know nothing about how or where I ride...you know nothing of value at all in regards to this conversation it seems. Yet you come in with such unjustified bravado and confidence in your jugements. There is a saying - if everyone you meet is an asshole...you are the asshole. 

Time for this

It’s a shame you have offspring.

This was no an accident. That was premedited assault. charging him with road rage is a minimum The cops were just lazy or maybe the cops didn’t like bikes either. Im a cyclist and Im tired of cops trying to explain this nonsense away.

The reason is they’re the Conservative capital of the US. They’re the antithesis to California. They are the largest gathering of belligerent and bigoted assholes in the nation. If you aren’t white, straight, own guns, and own a vehicle where the engine starts with a “V”, you might as well be dead to them. 

Reiterate fuck Texas, or at least the Texans that come into my neighboring state in droves. The most belligerent, assholish cunts I’ve ever interacted with in my life. Stay in Texas fuckbags

I mean, it is deer park

Of course they had connections. The whole town is related.

The only way to stop a bad person with a Jeep, is a good person with a Jeep.

The cops’ inaction reeks of “Good Ol’ boys” network here, maybe the scumbag had connections? hmm.. or maybe they too shared the same irrational hate of cyclists and thought he “deserved it”? I’m just asking questions here.

Fuck Texas. Fuck cops. Fuck that Jeep guy. Charges should be more serious than a misdemeanor. He could have killed the cyclist. No, you don’t fucking joke around like that.