
Great googly moogly.

I gotta stay with my strengths…basically…singing and songwriting.

The Crow is probably the only movie I ever went to watch due only to the soundtrack, and it did disappoint.

99 percent of all movies suck anyway, so you're going to get a lot of garbage no matter the channel.

I don't think they do for ALL stuff though. I pay for Hulu, and shows that are also on Neflix don't have ads. It's just for their exclusive content, which is mostly new shows. Plus, I would GLADLY watch of couple of ads on Netflix for the Walking Dead, rather than have to wait a year to watch new episodes.

Unlike Bush, who would order bombings because the leader of another country said something less than glowing about his father.

Bruce Dickenson gives you the squint eye for calling that a pop song.

Nothing like replying to a comment from 3 months ago, but here goes.

You're thinking of Wyatt's older brother, he's kind of an asshole.

I don't understand what the contracts have on them that could be so terrible. The reason they're contracts, is so they'd be legal in a court of law. So, if the people whose signatures are on there will get in trouble for signing them, why would they implicate themselves?

It was you. No one else will admit to watching Couples Retreat.

The diamond part is pretty confusing to me. Caspere I guess has/had been holding on to them for 20 years? Why wouldn't they have been sold a long time ago? I thought that was the point of stealing shit.

American Horror Story has shown me that every season of an anthology can also be united by crappyness.

And why does Seth Rogen get a pass for making the same movie over and over, but Adam Sandler doesn't?

Station Eleven certainly has plenty of fans, I just couldn't get into it.

That guy's a special kind of moron.

Isn't the scarred up waitress Mexican? She seems like a pretty decent person.

Is this show taking place in the future and i haven't realized??

Also probably not a good idea to let "Free Agents" in.

It was had to tell. I thought she punched the first guy in the stomach, then kneed him in the balls. But he had such a strong reaction to the first punch/stab that a stab might be more likely. On the other hand, in the car, it seems like she said something about stabbing/killing one guy as opposed to a couple.