
I don't think she stabbed the guy trying to rape her did she? She stabbed the guy who was standing up for the guy that tried to rape her.

I thought it was Chet Donnely.

"These contracts have signatures on them!"

I'd prefer Eastwood's chair.

They sent in Sense8, but wrote HoC on the disk.

Instead of being the 99th person to complain about the Justified snub, I'm going to point out that this is the 6th consecutive year that Eden Sher has been ignored by the Emmy's for her fine work on The Middle.

This is exactly what I thought too, in fact was was disapointed the article didn't mention Bernie's. But then I looked it up on IMDB before commenting…

Best bit parts:
Alf's dad as one of the cdc doctors
Kareem as end of the world guy
The chick from Becker that Rob Lowe wouldn't bang