
Who is this for?” Minecraft is literally the best selling game of all time. It’s fine that you are less familiar with it, but there’s no way that people aren’t excited by the inclusion of content from the best selling game in history.

What prevents a company like Analogue from just taking unlimited pre-orders and then producing that many to meet demand? And just adjusting the timeline to produce that many? Is it just because resources/materials are limited? I know this is a very dumb/naive question. 


For the readers questioning how others could possibly gain pleasure through spending money this way, let’s remember the following human activities:

Never thought you could win at Animal Crossing but this sounds pretty close. 

First, they came for the people who misuse ‘First they came...’ by Martin Niemoller, and I did not speak out because I was not a person who misused ‘First they came...’ by Martin Niemoller.

Sounds like streamers are getting a dose of what pretty much every working adult runs into from time to time company mergers that result in layoffs. I get that they are losing their “jobs” as entertainers, but their show just got cancelled so they have to job hunt for another one. And having burnt a bridge with a

I don’t understand Twitch. It’s like someone opened a garbage store, then one day decided, “I can’t have all this trash lying around here!”

this seems like a step too far. Shady, but not abuse.

So much for his stealth run.

What about a Crazy Taxi-style game featuring Radagast?

Vault Boy is finally in a game that wont crash at 60 fps!

This one is more on point though:

In direct response to your final sentence: DO NOT take Jason’s review of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to heart. He despised the first game and thus had his mind set to hate the sequel before ever playing it.

Looking at Japanese comments is a lot more pleasant

There’s nothing like watching a nincompoop expose themselves to the world without any unnecessary prompting or reason behind it.

“We wanted to amplify that message and capture people’s attention, so pledged to compensate developers ten times the value of any chargeback fees they incurred, despite the fact that we had nothing to with the illegal acquisition of these keys.

Apologies for the delay between SketcHistory interviews; it took me that long to find my pen.

Uh oh, I hope I don’t get spoiled. I would hate to learn in advance that humans are the REAL monsters.