
I mean, there are hundreds of fanfics where that does indeed happen. 


“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

You’re safe to keep reading tbh

Saw it, can confirm. Especially that part where Aerith looks directly into the camera and tells you how to revive her in the original game - I kinda wish I had seen that in the context of the actual story.

I actually found a copy of this last week in the clearance section of my local walmart. They may be out of TP and hand sanitizer but they got plenty of memes!

Now playing

Omg I never realised this song existed. This is a meme in Ireland, as Brendan O’Connor did a pisstake of it

Good news is by the time Amazon ships it, you will have forgotten you bought it, and then the $50 charge will show up on your card out of nowhere, and you’ll wonder “what the fuck is this for?” and then 2 days later this will show up.

Good news is by the time Amazon ships it, you will have forgotten you bought it, and then the $50 charge will show

So it sounds like they set themselves up for failure. Their goal was to make something groundbreaking like HL-1 and HL-2 when the goal really should have been to just finish up the stupid story arc. The "episode" moniker should have been enough to justify this to themselves. The previous episodes were just refinements

“Within 30 seconds” of someone mentioning the idea of the Emperor coming back, everyone knew it was the right idea.

Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.

Not when your grandpa literally works at nintendo.

I’m not sure ‘super funny’ is the most appropriate phrase to describe this.

Ten hour flight. I played a ton of Breath of the Wild on it.

We all JOKED about getting another swordsman from Fire Emblem. And it happened. Are you serious, Sakurai.

Man, it'd be cool if there was a site here focused on sports (but not exclusively.) I'd probably have read it everyday.

Autoplaying Ads should get a lifetime achievement award at this point.

“Autoplaying video ads” once again gets Honorable Mention.

Nah, I’m pretty sure it was the NBA game of that year. But I did own Phantasy Star online for the gamecube. Which is worth $170 today. Unfortunately I had given it away.

In 2001 I was 11 years old. And all I wanted was a Gamecube.