
Who says google maps suck? Oh my god I love google maps.

I prefer the amazing convenience of a smart phone. I won't be going back, and the battery life doesn't matter really. As for the cost/month. Yeah you got me there, but its worth it to me.

They had to fire employees and make the remaining ones work harder, all in order to keep those record profits. This is the crippling they are talking about.

There are private security firms out there that board the cargo ships after they leave dock, and before they arrive at the next one.

@apierion I think it is great with cereal. I get the vanilla flavor and it mixes well with the cereal I buy. It also works well with baking cookies and other desserts. At first I thought it was weird, but I've gotten over that. Very interesting that it causes migraines for your wife. A lot of products we buy

Silk is a brand soy milk. I said I like it as an alternative to dairy milk from cows.

My understand is that if you have it, making fun of it is being strong. If you don't, I figure it is kinda being a dick.

That is terrible. Very poor taste. :(

Thank god for Silk! Shit is delicious and nutritious and lactose free!

This was creepy. I am watching Bones right now, and came across this post and immediately. I am not exaggerating, the commercial came on as soon as I finished reading the title. This whole direct advertising is getting a little too personal.

Why is the HTC One X unimpressive?

Because the middle aged pudge ball was the guy who invented/helped design it? If I designed a super fast race car, I wouldn't tell some professional driver to test it. I would test it myself.

Got a source on that? I would be interested. I did a quick google, but only turned up discussions asking to disable it from their website. If it does, I'll unblock on a few sites.

I don't think websites and their advertisers know if you have adblock turned on or off. I may be wrong though. Even though, I am pretty sure the websites make money based on how many people visit the website, and how many people click the ads.

But here you are. Haha

Gizmodo and Gawker are in it for the ratings and view counts. People are more likely to click on an article that says 'ZOMFG best ever jizz!' than 'Apple did an okay job at the new ipad announcement today'. They are in business to pull ratings for advertisers. Money money money.

Can they put something in the scanners to make the background not the same color as dangerous objects?

Thank you for posting this. I didn't want to watch the whole thing, and bringing it down to 99 seconds is fantastic.


Why do conservatives still cry that Obama is a muslim when it has been proven false. Why do they still not believe he is an american citizen when he gave them his birth certificate? Every side has loonies and bad-apples. Don't assume every liberal resorts to insults. This is an act of a few undetermined