
... as long as you never, ever put the top up.

Oh, and here’s another guess:

It’s not the engine, it’s the radiator!

I know that everybody hates on the TR7, but they didn’t look half bad as a Spider.

I know I’m in the minority here, but I’d get way more excited seeing any one of these on the road than that new Tesla.

Counter: almost ALL rotaries ooze class and style.

I’m feeling the rotary love again today.

$5k buys you a lot of car in today’s market. This may be a rare Jetta, but I’m not a VW fetishist, so i’m going to pass. CP

After I hit 50 I realized life is short and I love cars, so why not experience ownership in as diverse and interesting a group of cars as you can.

It wasn’t that bad, what’s the hang up?

You really phoned that one in

Ok, how many days/minutes after delivery and how many miles/feet (km/meters for the Canadians) before the first car bites it? First Cars and Coffee city to wreck one?

Here is a very nice FD Mazda RX-7, for no good reason at all. Enjoy.

I actually really like it but oh that rust. I can only imagine the trouble the new buyer is gonna find when he starts the repairs. I think they’re opening a pandora’s box and for that reason alone CP. otherwise...

ok..... thats just ridicululous..... damn thing sounds like its barely turning over at 130mph.... most of the cars ive owned topped out lower than that

The thing I have trouble with is WHERE to recycle used oil and filters. Some auto parts stores take it, some don’t. Some take just the oil and not the filter. There is no centralized easy process, nor is there a place I’ve found that even tells me where I can go. It’s really backwards if they want people to actually

Please keep that thing pure :), but you seem like a Jalop so I don’t even think I needed to post this comment.

You can buy these in cherry condition for $30k all day long...no way in Hell I’m paying that much for a beater.

This could potentially be a nice price if, and only if, the owner has documentation of maintenance.

It is much worse do the other way around .... gas in a 2017 powerstroke would be a giant oops