A) Don’t buy someone else’s project car.
A) Don’t buy someone else’s project car.
Never have I seen a car that was so thoroughly wasted. This is keeping the Mona Lisa in a dark closet where no one can view it. This is making a perfect filet and lobster tail, just to look at. This is reading Mozart’s music without ever playing it.
I will never understand the value of a thing when that thing has…
Fiero’s ride like crap, stop like crap, and handle like crap.
Shit, I must be old - when I was a kid, ALL of the school buses I rode on were manuals. I graduated HS in 1985.
You are incorrect. The absolute worst are people who pull into the pump, go in and buy shit (cigarettes, drinks, or snacks) and no fuel.
Backwards hat technology wasn’t introduced to Bulgaria until the fall of the USSR. They get some slack.
“. . .Bruce Wayne’s boring, rich alter ego will be hustling around Gotham. . .”
Neutral: Self-Driving Car Bills
Future Jalopnik-Amazon Post blog post:
Fuckin Torch NAILED IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Every other answer was good, but that was GREAT!
A 10+ year old VW approaching 200k will never not be a crack pipe*.
*Anything air cooled is excluded
I’ll make anyone in support of speed cameras (and honestly let’s throw red light cameras in as well since we know they increase rear-end collisions) a deal.
As an Astra owner, I’m probably more partial to these than the average Jalop, but holy shit! Eight grand!???
At this point, I’m willing to bet about 1/4 of South Florida’s population are New Jersey/New York/Pennsylvania transplants, so pretty much the same thing.
I used to be firmly in the camp of “keep reporting and poking the bear, because it’s necessary to the health of our democracy even if I don’t like it.”
I find all this interesting. I’ve never had to pass a cop, because every police officer I’ve seen is usually going 95+mph regardless of speed limit.
Nearly 250k miles, did 93,000 miles in its first 5 years. Rust and hail damage. Mileage on odometer incorrect. Oh and it’s an auto. CP.
H2Oi is the event* that goes on I think the Sunday of that weekend. I’ve never been to it. No point in paying for a show to see the same cars you saw driving around all weekend. Most people simply go to Ocean City to be surrounded by car culture for the week/weekend. Thats why people fly across the globe to go.…
Like the Michigan man who was so afraid for his life because someone was banging on his door at 4:30 am, that he opened the door and shot a 19 year old female accident victim in the face.