
Those little cars are pretty darned hard to find anymore. And as examples go, this one looks pretty clean. Damned clean for the price. And the total showing on the odometer is a surprisingly low number, just 52,000 miles.

Running and driving and can easily be made to look a lot better for like another grand? And well into the realm of “fuck it” money? NP all day long.

My first job out of college was a management trainee at a trucking company. You. Do Not. Want. To. Know. Seriously, I’ve seen 55-gallon drums of hydrofluoric acid loaded on top of crates containing aluminum ingots. There are thousands of DOT and such rules that are completely ignored for the sake of “I don’t give a

Depends on how you look at it. Let me put it a different way:

And whenever I feel like complaining, I remind myself that I’m young, healthy, employed, and happily married, that I have good relationships with my family and my in-laws, and that I have dozens of friends who are there for me when I need help.

This. This is the working mans life.

I think I represent the average used Hyundai owner. Half the possessions in my house were wedding gifts; a quarter were broken things I picked up from a dumpster or curb or neighbor’s doorstep and fixed with used parts I bought on eBay; the remaining quarter were items I actually purchased in working condition. I

The Toyota C-series 5-speed manual will not take you years to find. In fact, they are incredibly easy to find, and relatively cheap too. I believe it would be a C52 for the last few years of the AW11 model MR2 if you wanted to go for as close to stock as possible. But in general any of the C5X transmissions would

Oh heck yeah I’d buy that for $1,800. I’d buy it tomorrow if I were within a few hundred miles. I’d spend the next few years looking for a manual transmission to swap in to it, and in the mean time I’d still have a great second car.

Did not even have to read anything before clicking NP. The shell alone is worth asking price.

Somehow 22 k-cars is a sickness, but a dozen metropolitans is absolutely awesome!

I grew up eating Collin Street fruitcake.

David clearly doesn’t know how we build Jeeps in Arizona. Let me tell you the story that happens all the time here.

Any price for a 2CV is worth it. This is an epic automobile with an even more epic history.

I have little idea of what the going rate is for one of these things, but I can’t imagine that this is that terrible of a restore candidate, nor is it terribly difficult to restore one of these