
so we can make shit go faster than it did stock. next question?

“And I would like to point out that this kind of shit doesn’t really happen in places where there’s nationalized health care. Just sayin.’”

I feel bad because while the cause is worthy, but the car is not. CP.

I did forget that the RX-8 is the car I drive, and indeed, the only car anyone can buy.

I hate how inaccurate this is.

Rotary wiper blades!!! Hahaha.

Aside from the horrible racist post, why isn’t there any mention of that poor poor RSX having a broken suspension.

What do you do for a living where you have $4k to blow on somebody else’s mistake? I’m pretty sure the vast majority of posters here make north of $250k/yr and have no wife, no kids, no mortgage, no retirement, and likely live in their parent’s basement. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But that’s the

My e36 M3 is cheaper than a therapist and more effective. That is all.

this really strikes me as someone rhapsodizing about their childhood love affair with the subaru brat.

It’s a bit like Jag’s very own Cimarron, but it wasn’t nearly as bad because it was base on the very decent Modeo.

the X-Type is also the ONLY early 2000's small luxury sedan that still looks modern.

Half price for 55k miles, I think thats a fair depreciation. Np all day

Was passed by a hideous looking FD RX-7 yesterday, but the guy gave me a very excited thumbs up as he passed me, so I could only return one myself since he just seemed so enthusiastic and nice in general.

I know I spent a lot of this article insinuating the pointlessness of this thing but it really is a thing of beauty. The E-Class/5-Series/A6/TLX/CTS/XF/ect size bracket will forever and always be the Ideal Normal Car as far as I’m concerned.

I live in Florida. The cops here are imaginary.

When you love SC’s but Opel GT’s are life........

Yes you sure as hell can. The Aurora is a wonderful car and that person is a connoisseur.

Fuck this guy with a barbed hot poker. He’s the worst kind of human garbage, preying on other’s needs and less fortunate circumstances so he can induleg in his boy racer fantasy.