I was one of the lucky few to attend the filming of The Grand Tour’s opening sequence and launch party. Little did I…
I was one of the lucky few to attend the filming of The Grand Tour’s opening sequence and launch party. Little did I…
NP and providing there are no hidden surprises you will get the purchase price back in a couple of years. Maintenance costs will be another issue though. Interestingly one of the few high end cars that seems to be cheaper in the States used than back here in the UK?
I know it’s 10x more expensive than anyone’s car who is voting in this, but it is a very average asking price for this model. It is a nice price as long as nothing is wrong with it. The price is nice or not totally dependent on whether or not this kind of car totes your goats.
You can shoot pigs out of it.
The now-V8-optional Virgin Australia Supercars Championship will feature one more big change next year: the addition…
These cars will be available in aisle six next to the Smörgåsbord bed set at Ikea. Which is convenient as you will need the truck to move all your flat pack furniture.
1st Gear: “Who’s really cheating? Probably everyone.” Nods head in agreement...
Good morning.
Never understood why people just won’t use the correct gear and pulse brake. I see trucks riding their brakes all the time like it’s their first time to go down a hill. I mean there are signs all over letting you know. I came down a plateau today with 14,000 lbs of batteries in a box truck and never had to touch the…
Ok everyone, this is what needs to happen:
Synchronized gears alleviate the need for double clutching, true... but failing to rev match downshifts results in additional clutch wear and driveline shock by having to absorb for the mismatched speed differential. Heel& toe is the proper way to rev match a downshift while braking and can be a quite useful technique…
Not even sure why renewable solar energy available from your own roof panels even has to be sexy at all. It only has to be efficient and affordable. That’s it.
That one is easy. the towing setup on back shows a class III hitch. he probably tows a trailer a lot and that is a redneck “airfoil” to hopefully give him some gas mileage back when towing. Sadly it won’t because towing anything large with a under powered dodge caravan is a very bad idea.
Or, he is an illegal baby…
I voted NP on this... but it isn't really nice... more like a late night pickup from a Florida strip club that you're not quite sure you want your friends to know about yet but are very positive it's going to result in some seriously dirty deeds that will make you smile every time you get in it. Yeah.... just like…
Honestly,maintenance on these is nothing. Like,nothing at all nothing. You can get parts for them at Pep Boys,or from several online catalogs if anything is needed,and for odd stuff that may break,like 35-year old plastics do,eBay and CraigsList tend to always have parts available. I have an 80,and right now,I need to…
I’ve said it before, but I wish Jalopnik would do more with boats or a boat subblog. Most boating media is basically copy-paste PR bullshit. Which, as a somewhat a-typical boat owner and enthusiast, is a difficult pill to swallow. However, I am guessing that the market is simply not there.
Don’t be so sure...
very hard to establish a price on something so odd in the states, but a quick search turns up a surprisingly similar one on BAT in 2014 for $11,995 which leads me to CP as I don’t see the price soaring $8k in 2 years time... cool but not $20k cool. BTW that BAT link takes me to an importavehicle site for a place in…
I totally agree.