Yeah, you probably have to include some kind of Hawaii factor in the price. NP on that basis.
Yeah, you probably have to include some kind of Hawaii factor in the price. NP on that basis.
I feel like this price is a little high. However, everything in Hawaii seems to be priced a little high.
Bigger batteries, recharging to only 80%, and faster recharging will reduce recharge times to like 10-15 minutes. Which is in line with a typical stop at a gas station now.
This. Exactly this. The thing is crack pipe all day long, but if I had the money, I'd buy the fuck out of it, maybe even throw him a solid 60k.
Every once in a while there are cars that are a perfect amalgamation of parts to achieve a goal, fitting together so well it seems like there was no way it couldn’t have been made exactly like it was. Of course they made it exactly like that, it must’ve been obvious to them while they were designing it! It seems like…
Can I go to pebble beach alone and still have a great time that is worth the experience, an experience that I can only reminisce about with myself in the future?
It’s not. It’s a dumb thing.
Ah, drifting. And why is this a cool thing?
I’m gonna say NP because lately it seems if the car has ANYTHING wrong with it what so ever people here tend to vote it down. Guys, it’s car site. Sometimes “some assembly is required.” Plus, it’s a cool lookin’ truck. Yeah, needs some help, but it is rarer, and cool.
Musings and drivel incoming:
I loved watching Rory come into his own on Extra Gear and really take the reins in the Focus RS film. He and Harris seem to have a special charisma. It really came out with the jump challenge and the Extra Gear antics. Can’t wait for next year and the quartet of Reid Sabine Harris and Leblanc. And Eddie Jordan for the…
Andrew, you didn’t link a song with the COTD!
Why would the police deny an unmarked cruiser was pursuing a maniac on a go-cart down a California highway? Probably…
Man I haven’t been chased by cops in a go-kart since I was like 14. Good times.
The obvious answer is that the car belonged to MIB, and the driver of the go-kart was an alien with a doomsday device.
A Dodge Shadow by itself isn’t much of a car. It’ll get you where you’re going, and that’s about it. But the CSX-VNT is a pretty cool ride. It actually doesn’t look bad. Very 80's, but that can be a positive if you prefer your cars on the boxier side.
Literally have the exact opposite opinion of yours. Chris Evans is a hyperactive freak, while LeBlanc at least has decent chemistry with some of the guests, like his rapper friend on the SUV journey. The chemistry is what counts, so if they brought in Jenson Button or someone a bit more restrained and a lot more…
I agree with you, Dirgle. This is by no means offensive, and I appreciate how Top Gear’s marketing department played with the “lust”, changing it’s meaning from something sexual into the feeling of what kind of car we would like to drive, own or even see in person.
Made me chuckle actually. Autotrader car tindering is an office pastime.