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    Bought a late model Caddy and had a “Scooter Lift” installed. First time I went to back out of the driveway (no scooter on the lift and the life folded), the damn car would move about 6" and just stop. Once I figured it out, it didn’t take too long to find the switch that would turn it off.

    Bought a late model Caddy and had a “Scooter Lift” installed. First time I went to back out of the driveway (no scooter on the lift and the life folded), the damn car would move about 6" and just stop. Once I figured it out, it didn’t take too long to find the switch that would turn it off.

    I love convertibles. My second car was a 1959 Impala Convertible. The next one was a TR4. Good times, driving with the top down in all sorts of weather.

    Those are the ones you read about in the reports, but real “burners” pretty much ignore them and party on. My daughter has attended with her dance troupe for about 10 years and I can tell you it takes real commitment to last the week. And yes, she tows a trailer with her 2007 Grand Cherokee, but the trailer was

    When my wife got pregnant back in 1970 She got to the point where she could not fit into the driver’s seat of our only car, a TR4. We went to the local Opel showroom and bought an Opel Rallye which handled just as well as the TR4 but gave a little more room inside. The GT’s were also in the showroom, but was much more

    Seriously? Who wants someone you don’t know selecting your groceries, especially produce? I will never understand the logic behind this.

    Pretty sure that’s the result of local “anti bag” laws, not the store itself. I remember the first time I ran into this in California. Now it’s coming to Florida.

    The only real thing I remember about the Pacer was that when we had them at Hertz, we had to run them through the car wash backwards. They just would not get clean otherwise.

    Someone needs to buy this and give it to the “Texas Metal” guys on Motor Trend TV. I can only begin to imagine what those guys would do to it.

    My own personal “hot car” at the moment is a Durango Hellcat. They seem to be going for about $110,000, they look better than their Jeep counterpart, and with the limited number made will sure to hold value for as long as Mechum exists. Combined with an extended warrantee, I just don’t see a downside. Pretty sure

    This would be an old “Bullnose” Mack tractor with a ten speed transmission. There were two gear levers, and there were times when it was necessary to move both of these at once. I have never met a three armed truck driver.

    We had many of these back when I worked at Hertz/BWI AP. Aside from not liking to run in the rain (pretty much a Chrysler “thing” back then), they were pretty nice cars if you didn’t want to drive around corners.

    Way too much for an Alpine that does not have the “Tiger” name on it. You can get a well sorted MGB for that price, and with the MGB you can get all of the repair parts you will need.

    The TR7/8 bodies were ;actually larger than the MGB. More interior room, etc. If you set  them side by side, you can see the difference. Frankly, I found my TR7 to be just as fun to drive as my MGB. 

    I wonder how the cars without a touchscreen will sell. I can only hope that they outsell every other car in their market. Touchscreens (to me) are the worst distractor in the car, even worse than cell phones. 

    NP because I just read Torch’s article about the Geo that sold for $18,000 on Bring a Trailer. Stuff like this is bringing crazy money.

    You’ve obviously never been to Baltimore at Thanksgiving. There is sauerkraut on every table. 

    I have to laugh. Last Christmas we were going to have REAL mashed potatoes, not Bob Evans. Got time to do the mashing, turned out we had loaned the mixer to someone else. Also, got no idea where the potato masher went to.

    HAHAHA!! Remember when the vans would careen around town with people trying to sell speakers and other stereo equipment? This guy looks like he is right in the middle of that game.

    I gave up on Dr. Who early on last year but gave the new series a shot last night. So, far, it looks watchable. I will NOT miss the constant bickering between Whitaker and her companion, however.