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    Pretty sure that I first heard this story way before I got a computer. 

    Putting diesel fuel into a gasoline driven car can be fixed. BUT, if you put gasoline into a diesel powered car, you are totally, totally screwed.

    Doesn’t surprise me. I don’t particularly care for how they look, and I certainly would not pay a premium for one.

    My wife and I were coming back from New York City. As we started across the Pennsylvania Turnpike, she noticed that we were low and gas and began nagging me about it. Just to be obstinate, I refused to stop, telling her we had plenty of gas to get home.

    Just watched this this afternoon. I thought it was a great, funny and fun movie. I honestly don’t understand why it got an “R” rating, first of all. 

    A friend imported a 25 year old Caterham. Took me for a ride. Fun car, until I tried to get out of it. That exhaust!

    My sister still drives a first gen Escalade that she and her husband bought new all those years ago. It is still a nice looking vehicle, and everything works.

    THIS is the car that should be recommended to the Australian in the preceding article.

    Over the past couple of years, I have stayed in over two dozen Airbnb’s and been mostly well satisfied. On my most recent trip over Christmas, the place I booked was so bad that I left after the first night and found another one in town for the remainder of my stay. I contacted Airbnb, with pictures, and was refunded

    What a total waste of time and money. Whoever decided to do this must have been smoking pot. The 1966 Mustangs started rusting on the trucks as they were delivered to the dealers. The 280ZX’s were even worse.

    Detachable steering wheels are a “thing” now. I have one in my RX7 FC, and it makes it very easy for this 71 year old body to enter and exit the car. 

    I don’t know what the hell you mean. We had no damn social media, radio was still mostly AM, there was no cable TV (three or maybe four channels if you were lucky), no computers, no iPhones, etc, etc. So, you either went bowling or headed down to the local burger joint and drove your car around the block about 100

    Consider the times. EVERYBODY was cruising through the drive in back then. What else was there to do? 

    Everyone I know with one of these loves the damn things. A friend of mine is now looking into “updating” to his third.

    A friend has an S2000 that he bought new back in the day. Cost him around $20,000. He was joking the other day that he was recently offered $20,000 for the car, as is (pristine, but stock). And this guy wants that much for one that has been totally bastardized?

    Point of interest: The 4.6 engine liners had a ridge around the top in order to prevent the sliding liner syndrome.

    I remember when they first hit the market. Good luck getting one for anywhere near the MSRP. Stories of $8000 premium “up charges” were not uncommon, and yet they sold every one they could get from the factory. 

    Tomfoolery? Really? Exactly how old are you? I don’t think I have heard or read that word in over 40 years, possibly longer.

    British Humor. Gotta love it.

    The only really bad thing about Jeeps of this vintage were the automatic transmission. Otherwise, they will go on forever until they rust away. Too bad David didn’t see this one before he spent all of that money and time dealing with his “Holy Grail.” In the long run, this one would have been a lot cheaper, although