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    Even though the “Classic Car” tag in Florida is only available after 30 years, I was still able to insure my ‘91 S10 Pickup with a classic car insurance company, because over 25 years old. Since I had set the value at $8000, when that stupid lady in the Escalade cut me off and the truck was totaled, I got $8000. Way

    Glad you made it. Glad you had someone with you to help.

    I admit that I voted NP simply because a friend of mine has a similar car in his backyard “corral” and I wanted to show that he might want to put it on the market. His is in every bit as good shape as this one, and I remember him buying it from a lady for less than $1000 because she couldn’t make it run. I believe it

    For a good while, I lusted after one of these. It was my “dream” car, but only in the hard top convertible version. This isn’t that, but it is still a damn good deal for anyone wanting what was basically the “supercar” of it’s time.

    At 71 years old, I finally succumbed to the SUV “bug”. I bought a 2012 Grand Cherokee Overland Hemi. I still own the RX7, MGB and TR8 and will continue to drive them but will use the SUV for longer road trips and when I need to move more than one passenger.

    Seriously? The country is awash with ten year old Grand Cherokees in great shape for the money he has. About a year and a half ago I bought my daughter a 2006 GC Hemi Trailhawk for $3200. She’s been running it around San Francisco and Oakland and even took two trips to Burning Man towing a travel trailer. Total

    What is going unsaid about all of this is the effect this law is projected to have on performers and musicians in California. Most of these people, like my daughter, operate as “independents” and get paid as such. If their employers are going to be forced to comply with this law, it will have a serious negative impact

    Didn’t Taylor Swift do this once to get out of a hotel surrounded by Paparazzi? 

    That looks like a Weber, which is a pretty OK Carb and easy to rebuild and convert to manual choke. Just FYI.

    Hate to admit it, but that seat would really make a long drive more comfortable.

    My big problem with all of this is that when you give the guy inside your card, he wants to know how much you are gonna get. How the hell do I know? I like to fill my car up, but have absolutely no idea how much it is gonna take.

    This was one of those shows that you watched because it was so terrible that you could not believe that ABC actually put it in the air. 

    `Many years ago my wife’s Aunt gave us her tired old 1960 Ford Falcon. I drove the crap out of that car for a year or so, and one of my favorite things was a particular stretch of road on the way to work the put the thing in the air if you hit it just right and fast enough. No seat belts, crap car, a fun road. Those

    I once drove my MGB from Baltimore down to Florida without a working clutch. It wasn’t slipping, just would not release.

    Every since I delivered a couple loads of produce to the Fresh Express people in Atlanta, I have encouraged people to stay away. Horrible, dirty place.

    It was also one of the very first Alfas to enjoy corrosion protection right from the factory rather than the more traditional factory-installed rust”

    Seriously? Trending CP big time. I’m kind of surprised. This looks like a great project that doesn’t really need much but some paint and cleaning. If I were into bikes, I would have this in a gnat’s minute.

    I want to know more about this road trip idea. Sounds like great fun!!!

    One time we had a truck at the dock and the drivers left a dog in the front. It was one of those bouncy little things, and it managed to hit the door lock button.