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    I don’t know if they still exist, but I once saw a flatbed hauling a bunch of Trackers which had, according to the advertisements and markings of the flatbed, been converted to Corvette power. So, apparently, there was once a company which built similar Trackers. I have never heard or read of them since, but it did

    Vlad, you need a Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT. They can be had for the money you have available, and you will be able to smoke all four tires instead of just two.

    Thank you so much for this. I asked this question on a previous blog about the combination. I don’t know why it was so hard to get the answer.

    I don’t really see the answer to this question anywhere. Which version of Hulu am I getting in the bundle? I currently have the commercial free version, and would hate to have to go back to commercials again.

    My recently purchased 2012 Grand Cherokee has similar interior. As soon as i saw it, I had to have the car. 

    Bought a brand spanking new RX 3 Wagon out of the showroom back in the 70's, and then a used RX2 Coupe some years later. Drove the piss out of both of them. They were fun cars,and I got stopped more than once for being, shall we say, over enthusiastic.

    Can’t believe I have to explain this. When I worked at Hertz at what was then Baltimore Washington International Airport, we had well over 200 of these in the fleet at one time, perhaps more. They were very popular, and our fleet also drew from DC National AP and Dulles AP.

    Had a boatload of these back when I worked at Hertz. Not bad cars, good enough for the ride home at night. 

    I resent the implication that this is an old man’s car. I am an old man, and just bought a Grand Cherokee Hemi. THAT is an old man’s car, IMHO.

    CP without even reading the article. I have always thought that diesel engines were great for trucks and road building equipment, but stupid for cars. This is no different. Just my humble opinion.

    Most “hot” cars of the time were difficult to drive. I remember my first time in both a Cobra 427 and a Shelby 350 GT. No power assist at all. Brakes that would not work until they got warmed up, and then very hard. The Cobra didn’t even have a choke on the dual four barrels. You stuffed a rag down the throat to get

    Sorry, I was not specific. That was the answer to “did AMC have their own version of a 327 engine”. Yes, they did.

    Yes, they did.

    I was just throwing out a generalization based on the literally hundreds of GC’s presented to me by Carfax and Car Gurus during my search for a good, hemi driven model. In fact, I bought a 2005 GC Hemi for my daughter last year for $3200. In the year and a half she has driven it, her total non-maintenance costs have

    She also needs to pop down to Baltimore for the Edgar Allen Poe gravesite. In that car it should only take and hour or so.

    THIS!! Having just finished shopping for a used Grand Cherokee, I can tell you that there are a ton of these cars out there with the old, reliable straight six engine for less than $5000. Some even as new as 2007. Just gotta look around.

    I voted NP out of sentimentality. My Dad bought one of the last Roadmasters sold back in the day, and drove it for years. He loved the car, and was always bragging on it. He and Mom drove it back and forth across the country many times.

    Well, you pretty much described the first attack perfectly. Since the second Gout attack, I have not had a single beer, and I severely limit my intake of alcoholic beverages. It seems like even after one drink at a restaurant, my foot starts to tingle the next morning in a way that I know that gout is on the way if

    As the survivor of a recent (three weeks ago) accident that, had the cars been positioned a couple of inches different, would have killed me, I agree with everything he said. When I look back on that day, I still wonder how the hell I survived, and suddenly realize that everything could have been oh so much worse.

    HAHA! Yes, I do. I just didn’t recognize her, is all. She’s not exactly playing the same character here, is she? Still, I think it is one of the better new shows this year, so far.