James Doyle

Shout from the rooftops about this deal. Having never heard of appsumo, it sounded sketchy, but it worked fine, even for an existing LastPass customer. That's surprising, I assumed it'd be limited to new customers only.

There are a ton of options for this kind of thing for MicroUSB. Here are two really cheap ones I've been thinking about snapping up:

There are a ton of options for this kind of thing for MicroUSB. Here are two really cheap ones I've been thinking

Space Mutiny. My favorite episode. If I remember correctly, the movie's effects were legitimately stolen from Battlestar Galactica.

Wait wait wait. This online car dealer says the best time of the year to buy a car is the early part of August? Holy crap! It's early August right now! What a shocking coincidence!

The infographic says something pretty vague about the fact that it's "better for an engine to be turned off than turned on", which makes perfect sense. A non-moving machine will have less wear than a moving machine.

Then Liefeld thought

In my part of the US, I'm not sure I've ever seen "WALK / DONT WALK", but instead see a green walking dude for Walk and a red hand (in the "stop" gesture) for Don't Walk.

All the battery suckers, aside from the 3 games at the bottom, sound like some slap-dash garbage apps. So no surprise that they're not optimized for good battery use.

That's actually the title of the very popular teamup comic series: Superman/Batman.

That's the question - is this across the country, or only in the southwest (hinted at by In-N-Out), where cost of living is higher than say, the upper midwest?

Yes he was. "Suuuperman". Right in the feels.

Especially given the article's first line:

I heard that if you popped a slice of bread in the bag with your...

So this is.... a table? With a drawer?

The Martian

Has anyone read Edgar Rice Burroughs's Barsoom books? I'm watching John Carter right now, and while it's a good enough movie, I'm interested in the much larger world the books probably create. Anyone read them? Are they any good? Do they feel dated now that they're over 100 years old?

Maybe Ricky Jay is playing The Joker!

I think Crichton even made fun of the T-Rex vision a bit in The Lost World when one of the characters (Levine?) mentioned a paper Grant wrote that speculated that a T-Rex would have problems seeing movement in a driving rainstorm (which Grant has very intimate knowledge of), to which Levine commented "which is, of

The bummer is when these screws inevitably don't end up right-side-up when screwed in properly tightly. That's sure to ruin all the fun of it being a smiley face, if it's just... 15 degrees crooked.