
Drone footage.

Are there people out there who were clamoring to learn the origin story of Matthias Schweighöfer’s safecracking German nerdlinger?

Well, if I’m dead, then I’m not gluten intolerant anymore, am I? Gimme a deep dish Canadian from Pizza Hut.

This sounds like an amalgam of all the foods I could never understand anyone liking back when I was a kid, and which I only grudgingly accept now. Happy baking, all you crazy beer/onion/mustard-loving diamonds. ♥

Well, I’ve never seen the anime, and this looks awesome to me.

Kinja is still not great at getting you to greyed comments (test it on me), but hurrah for their one teensy success.

I like my cheese sharp enough to bite back, so curds always seemed disappointing to me, but deep-fried curds? Now we’re talkin’.

Cicadas are edible, however. But they’ve been underground for twelve years, so...maybe stick to murder hornets instead.

Ikea, I would trust to not stock junk, but Home Depot didn’t prove to have the same standards, so I wouldn’t brave the loonie store/dollar store either.

And although the LED bulbs themselves are usually more expensive, they use less energy and last much longer, so they end up being better value in the long run.

Can you really not figure that out without help?

Costco’s Kirkland brand is something I’ve seen repeatedly come up as having its products be completely comparable to name brands in terms of quality.

Well, I basically agree with all the points in the article, but with much less vehemence, because Halloween is laser-focused on eating candy in a way that other holidays aren’t. I appreciate those priorities.

Also, I wonder if the same mechanism that causes itching might cause the sneezing: Your capillaries relax and your nerve endings get more stimulated than they’re used to.

[A]nd downward dog was tailor-made just for [inducing farting].

The advice I saw for sealed wood floors is to clean them the way you’d clean glass — with diluted vinegar or ammonia. You’re not cleaning wood; you’re cleaning the clear plastic on top of the wood.

Maple sugar is a thing — albeit one that’s hard to find. (A lot of what you do find is just maple-flavoured sugar; the stuff I’m thinking of is maple syrup that’s been reduced to a solid.)

If this had happened in the southern United States, rather than Canada, I suspect it would have swung that way today.

There are medications you may start needing as you get older which don’t play nice with alcohol.

I would have said idiotic/dangerous/sad/cute for Peter, but you’re so right about how Hoult makes that character veer endlessly between characteristics that shouldn’t be self-consistent and yet somehow are.