
I like the Japanese version best too (and it was the one I saw first) because that scene is the first time anything explicitly supernatural happens.

I had a friend who theorized that your favourite version of The Ring (Japanese or American) would be whichever you saw first, because that’s the version that pasted you to the ceiling during that scene. Whichever version you saw second, while still excellent, would be lacking the shock value that made that scene so

Argh. Argh. Argh. (Well done.)


I had a friend who, in Hong Kong, was visiting her friend at his apartment building, when she got this urge to jump off a balcony in one of the public stairwells.

In the Before Times, spouse and I liked to travel, and even visiting a place where you can’t drink the water (but can still get it, hot and cold) out of the tap feels like a hardship.

Just last week, I joked with some friends that this guy’s dishes are expensive “because it’s prepared for you by a gigolo”.

A few decades ago, I heard an old fart on the radio muse that we need gadget pantries, i.e. a walk-in closet where your appliances live.

I think this is one of those things that is specific to the person. I tried an Atkins diet, and I didn’t really lose weight; I just lost all my energy. I seem to be a hummingbird who needs her sugar.

The only time I’ve had goat was by accident while I was in India (apparently, in that area, when the menu says “lamb”, that’s lamb, and when it says “mutton”, that’s goat. This is not the case where I’m from.)

If your office only listens to money, then poor people are forced to make you listen elsewhere.

It’s transcendental...and such an immense pain in the ass that I’ll only do it if I’m getting paid.

Honestly, I reacted that way too — not out of any malice toward you or the article, but just toward the oppressive nagging weight of being asked to do work wot I dun wanna do.

Original flavour Law & Order (donk donk) was a show I would watch every time I stumbled across an episode, old or new, on TV. It always drew me in, and I very much liked how much it focused on the cases, not the characters.

If it requires a gimmick to sell it, then it’s a con job, and anyone thinking of buying it is a mark.

Libraries are usually pretty open to the public making requests that they get a particular book/movie. See if you can find an email address and drop them a note requesting it.

Fellow Canadian here, and I have this long-standing, nebulous opinion that Orange Julius is gross, but...I’m not sure I’ve ever consumed anything they make.

Yeah...I didn’t like this one, and I’ve been freakin’ loving this show, so that was notable. This episode was a misfire.

Thanks! That’s exactly what I’m looking for and...apparently not available in Canada. There’s some sort of Murphy’s Law in action, it seems. :)

Also, PS on the article: UV protection also helps your home retain heat in cold weather, not just prevent heat during hot weather.