
I once took a first bite of pizza, put my slice back on its paper plate to grab a handrail, and a seagull bombed over my shoulder and rode that slice off the plate like it was a skateboard.

I learned early in the pandemic to occasionally have ‘mental health meals’, e.g. a Thai curry made from a pre-made paste, or a take-out meal from an Indian restaurant.

He’s got a hell of a voice and is very charismatic in a lot of his roles.

To do what? Offer help, or judgment?

‘Superman, but villain’ is just Brightburn, which James Gunn also produced.

A person who doesn’t speak English as their first language won’t know what a sammie or a tater is.

Always lovely when someone fusses over unimportant details when horrific crimes are being discussed. Really shows what their priorities are.

Over twenty women accused Donald Trump of sexual assault, you know.

Orchids like being stuck in the shower. Just keep the water cool and gentle and give ‘em a fifteen minute rainstorm.


Yes, Harley was portrayed as an utter force of nature, but not the main character. She stole every scene she was in, but she was also left as a wild card, not the prime mover, because a manic-pixie-murder-clown can’t drive the plot forward the same way that people with goals and the ability to stick to them do.

If you’re talking about what his mom said to her kid, yeah.

I’ve heard this is why Heidi Fleiss’ escorts were so popular in Hollywood. A sex worker has their own reasons to not run their mouth about the encounter, so it was seen as a safer way for big stars to have casual sex than hookups would be.

I Am Not A Lawyer, but my understanding is that the bar is low for granting restraining orders, in order to err on the side of caution.

Popcorn in Asian movie theatres is usually sweetened, not savory.

Never had that one.

“Ha, ha, owning the doucebags by serving them something delicious that I worked really hard to make for no profit.”

Oh, it’s so good. Completely balls-out insanity exquisitely well-acted.

I’m old enough to remember when Jim Carrey was the “Young, Handsome Jim Carrey”, i.e. look up a picture of him from Earth Girls Are Easy.

The caramel sauce is really called dulce de leche.