
Yeah, because honestly, frozen honey sounds like it could be a nice treat—a different sort of lollipopsicle.

Oop, my scale doesn’t do negatives (or odd numbers).

Apparently you are not supposed to be in pain after you finish eating. Who knew.

Does the salt not melt your ice cream?

No mention of the fact he got MeToo’ed? He was sexually assaulted and then professionally punished for trying to hold that person to account.


I had some friends in high school who worked in a theatre and pranked their manager by filling her entire car with popcorn in the dead of night.

My old university found out the hard way* that pumpkin seeds don’t compost very quickly.

I forget who it was on Twitter I saw said, “I’m not saying Trump is the anti-Christ; I’m just saying Christ was the anti-Trump.”

The garlic sweat is not surprising; it’s known that the smelly compound isn’t broken down by your body, so you out-gas it from every liquid you emit, saliva being the obvious one, but sweat too.

Gunn punctuates Harley’s big action-hero sequence with bright blooms of CGI flowers that spurt out of the wounds of the men she’s killed. The set piece makes sense as a glimpse into Harley’s demented mindset...

NOTE: Most of these tips apply to the housekeeping staff at hotels also.

**flaily-flaily-flailings of happiness**

Nothing wrong with her, but they already tried that relationship and it didn’t work out.

I do not have Botox and wouldn’t consider getting it except for medical reasons.

Ravens open trash cans, and presumably they teach each other how, since they sometimes work in teams to do it, so I would guess any bird smart enough is potentially a trash bandit waiting to happen.

For those worried about bruising or touching squishy stuff, you can also hold the avocado half skin-side-up and poke a sharp knife down through the skin and flesh to push the seed out.

I can’t imagine it being necessary. The chocolate is what’s going to be holding everything together. Swap in something you do like and I’m sure it will still work.

I went to an ophthalmologist because I have a condition that predisposes me to glaucoma. The danger of glaucoma, of course, is that the high pressure in your eyeballs might start killing your retina and you’ll go blind.

And having lead crystal (e.g. wedding gift) will usually get you searched, because the lead makes it pretty much opaque to the scanner.