
The fact that Elle and Vivian were never monsters to each other, and were never simply mean, even when they were still very antagonistic toward each other, was so refreshing. It’s pretty rare for a comedy to treat every character as a probably-reasonable person who just isn’t having their best moment.

I’m still sticking to the conclusion I came to after about the third episode: The writing was weak, but the fantastic cast and production hid that.

I really liked them as siblings — two awkward, lonely people whom no one understands finding the one other weirdo in the multiverse who does understand.

When I was a kid, I couldn’t handle “slimy” foods like yoghurt, pudding, some types of pie filling, etc. The taste was just fine, but not the texture.

There’s a joke in a Terry Pratchett book that masks don’t hide a person’s true character—they reveal it.

I find if I stare at it a bit longer, a wee bit of 3D shape comes out, e.g. the shark has a flipper jutting out at you, but it never gets easy to see much.

Be like Richard Branson and take a trip to Outer-Spanx.

Universities are full of geniuses who just do their thing, and are well-known and respected in their field, but otherwise live pretty nice, ordinary lives.

I’ve decided it’s the writing. The actors are fantastic, the visuals are fantastic, but it’s all built on a plot that’s thin and illogical.

A bit?

It’s a bit of a pain, but my orchids were happiest when I would put them in the shower once a week and give them a gentle, 10-minute luke-warm shower.

Yeah, it’s not a good idea to keep chocolate in my house. I buy it when I need it or am just about to eat it, for I have proven to myself many, many times that no, I will not “save the other one for tomorrow”.

This is basically a caipirinha made with jam instead of sugar.

I freakin’ loved every episode, even those that weren’t perfect.

The allure of the stereotypical bad boy and the good girl has a hold, and there’s something endearing—so Danny and Sandy, so “Leader of the Pack,” and so glaringly gendered—about seeing a put-together woman alongside a dude who looks like he just crawled out of a sweaty, beer-soaked mosh pit at the scuzziest metal

Wow, this has NOTHING to do with the original plot.

So one of those links in the article says too much fat causes pancreatitis.

I tried googling “stick candy”, and the stuff shown in this link looks about right:

I don’t think I’ve ever eaten salt water taffy. It’s very pretty looking when it’s being made.

In India, these were called chicken lollipops! :) (They were sold with a sweet dipping sauce.)