
In India, one of the train foods you could buy was a “chicken lollipop”.

Personally, I get a buzz from half a beer. I’m not a tiny person, but I also haven’t drunk for several decades, so I now have a hilariously low tolerance for alcohol.

I have heard people suggest eating messy foods naked in the bathtub, then taking a bath or shower, but they never recommended the water being on during the eating.


Oh, yeah. To me, she screams “Lady Timelord”, not “Lady Loki”.

I have a lot more love for Tom Hiddleston’s Loki character, but Wandavision at least had a plot.

Blackberry is frighteningly robust. Our city shaved a clump of it down to the roots two years ago, and this summer, it’s already taller than I am.

Ah, come on; you can totally stay up that late.

I remember we were warned off of a Mexican restaurant on a little Greek island by the tour guides. “It’s kind of weird. They can’t get the right ingredients.”

Oh, that’s right, she’s an heiress, not just a model/actress.

I’m sure it’s akin to how most people cannot staaaaand hearing a recording of their own voice.

The alternate name for “hot dog” is “weiner”, which came from “Wiener wurst”, i.e. German for “Vienna sausage”.


The “I don’t really know what kind of girl I am,” from Elliot Page hits different now.

You know, I can respect that.

Yeah, the article notes it’s a pretty dark concept for a blockbuster, but it was a pretty dark concept for YA, too, which doesn’t exactly shy away from kids going through bad stuff.

“Political correctness!”

Yeah, we occasionally ate Spam as kids, usually fried, and it was tasty enough that my wee kiddie brain kind of disassociated actual Spam from the idea of Spam, which was mocked.

One of the tidiest ways I ever saw of dealing with a troll online involved simply posting a recipe as a reply to everything they said. No matter how hard they tried to get a reaction: just post a recipe for something yummy.

Oh, I believe you, but I had a pretty dreadful case of food poisoning once, and I’ve been paranoid about food safety ever since.