It’s probably more applicable for those who thrive on drama and being the centre of attention. You’re essentially starving them of their oxygen.
It’s probably more applicable for those who thrive on drama and being the centre of attention. You’re essentially starving them of their oxygen.
I heard once about a woman who would slice up her leftover dark fruitcake after the holidays, soak it in rum, wrap up the slices, and freeze them.
The article says to remove it from the heat after 1/2 hour of simmering, then let it steep for the four hours in the hot water with a lid on.
Anything that fucking fun has to be a bad idea.
My gosh; I’m not the only person in the world who liked Thor: The Dark World? Cooool.
Yes, I like chocolate the way I like satire: Very dark and quite bitter.
I’m thinking “ex-girlfriend” might be a less accurate term than “pimp”. She was reportedly helping procure women for him.
It wouldn’t look like shit.
I pray it means the decades-long Trump scam is finally, truly running out of gas and they shall all coast on the fumes into forever-bankruptcy and prison.
Aren’t they worried Spade will steal everyone’s girlfriend? That man has a prodigious record of wooing every beautiful woman under the sun into his arms.
I’m thinking “uniquely searched” item means “something atypical I’ve never grilled before, hence I need a recipe”.
Re: Ava Max
“We’ve never before seen aggression and violence on our planes like we have in the past five months.”
Since I know some people hate the slideshows (I don’t actually mind them):
Do dick pics work on anyone? I mean, I’d rather see more of my cutie than that.
I find him funny before an audience. I think working without that feedback has been hard on comedians, but additionally, it really does seem easier to laugh when you can hear other people laughing too. That’s undoubtedly why shows have laugh tracks...
Someone I know used to religiously watch David Letterman, back in the day. Then there was an evening when he wasn’t going to be able to catch it, so he recorded it.
I’m going to assume those spirally-things embedded in chocolate in the header photo are white chocolate, rather than the pasta they appear to be.
Having watched the movie (’s awesome, if you’re there to make fun of it; that film would make a magnificent Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode), Vegas was supposed to get nuked on the 4th of July.