I remember the photo-ripping incident that effectively “cancelled” Sinead O’Connor’s career.
I remember the photo-ripping incident that effectively “cancelled” Sinead O’Connor’s career.
A friend of mine cracked a joke where she fake-ranted against the thieves who stole and re-named cheese-pie in order to win the cake vrs. pie wars.
I’ve been using “they” (instead of “he”) for third-person, gender non-specific cases for at least 30 years now — far longer than I’ve known that non-binary people exist.
We visited India, and one hotel on one particular evening had a RATHER LARGE centipede sitting in the toilet.
So, if you don’t call it a bagel...is it good?
To be fair, I thought they only hired non-awful human beings for these shows by accident.
The Great was so, er, great that I expect this will be fantastic.
When we were in Botswana, our guide pointed out a tree that he said produced gourds that you could use as sponges. Since learning that loofahs are plants, I always wondered if that’s what it was.
Spouse lucked into creating something like this once. He melted Caramilk bars (chocolate with liquid caramel centre) with cream and used it as icing on my birthday cake.
Amazing she decomposed at all.
Yikes. I saw a guy drink a whole bottle of vodka by himself at a party, and I viewed his ability to remain upright afterward to be a dire premonition of his oncoming alcoholism. Apparently he wasn’t that far along after all.
Yeah, the reason they use pepper spray on bears now isn’t just to leave the bears alive — it’s because a bullet in the brain won’t stop a charging grizzly. (Pepper spray hurts enough that it generally will.)
You don’t appear to be basing your opinions on anything other than your own hissing, spitting outrage, though.
For me, it’s the texture, not the colour, and I’ve mostly grown out of it. But yeah, as a kid, I wouldn’t eat pudding, or yoghurt, or mayo, or even some pie fillings.
Bathing once a week was the standard for my great-grandparent’s generation, and they were significantly more anxious* about being witnessed to have bodies that need maintenance than we are today, so I’m pretty sure they weren’t visibly or olfactorily unclean.
I used to take very good care of my teeth, but I never, ever got compliments from my dental hygienists until I started using an electric toothbrush.
Yeah, I brush in the morning because my breath may not be wonderful then. That’s a service to my fellow human beings.
Well, it’s not like cheese and bacon wouldn’t be welcome additions to popcorn. The mayo is the only element I have reservations about, and that’s my long-standing aversion to mayo talking.
It’s a very good corporate rock song, but her flipping her hair while doing the splits is definitely what made it legendary.
No argument on the latter half of your sentence, but as to the former, it was pop music pretending to be heavy metal, and it was enjoyable as that.