
Hot take: stancing is the dumbest shit.

Yes, this weirds me out when I've been required to give the card over. The first time it happened the barman looked at me like I was crazy for thinking it was weird.

This is so fucked up. Really?!? What the actual fuck is going on? I'll see myself out.

You’ve conflated internet speed and wifi speed. The ISP’s speed claims and guarantees end at the modem. Everything after that is not their problem. Additionally, they sell “up to x“. You won’t get that speed.

My wife and I called that ‘caped’, e.g. “He caped himself again". Both cats have done it a few times. We’ve taken to removing the handles of paper bags before letting them play with them and never leaving plastic bags out.

Mine is obsessed with licking plastic bags. And will do it until someone stops him.

Place near me has a “burger” that is a giant patty between two full grilled cheeses. It’s called The Entourage. You will be required to waddle to your car. And you won’t shit for 2 days.

I happened upon another instance of asset forfeiture being used to buy new police vehicles, this time in East Greenbush, NY.

I’m causing a ruckus at work with my cackling.

“...organic meatbags...” gets a star from me.

Is this before or after she was replaced with a doppelganger?

I, a redhead, am also not a Russian spy.

This stancing shit has got to stop.

And I say this as a gun owner

Lol. Yea it never happened to me

I doubt his voting bloc differentiates between oiling their AR-15s and wanking so they probably just switched phallic objects.

I can second the advice to not squat with a full tank. Unless you want a full pair of shorts.

I had the same reaction when I started the process of getting a permit and was told I had to buy a gun and let the store sit on it for 6 months while I got vetted. The issue, I think, is that they can’t issue you a permit with no listed firearms so the gun you buy is listed on the permit application.

The best (read: dumbest) part of the NYS class is that you aren’t allowed to touch a handgun until you have a permit and you can’t get a permit until you own the handgun. This means you have to drop (usually non-refundable) cash on a gun and the store holds it until your permit is approved. Then you have to take the

What required training? I live in NYS where pistol permits are somewhat difficult (read: time consuming) to get and all they require training-wise is that you’ve taken the NRA safety course. Which is mostly NRA CYA. It tells you things like “always treat a gun as though it’s loaded” and “never place your finger on the