
Then I’m wrong as all I can recall have had Comcast vans unless the paradigm is different in my area.

Wow, that’s fucked up. I suspect your manager was a dick. My area seems to be entirely serviced by contractors rather than employees but I’m not sure how to tell unless they say so. My observations are based on the times they’ve had to call in to see why a STB wouldn’t activate or something like that and the call

Yea I get the impression that Comcast is just as much trouble for its techs as it is for its customers.

This may be true for some. I had my own modem for the longest time with Comcast and I regularly got 100mbps faster than I was supposed to be getting. I recently upgraded to gigabit through Comcast because it was cheaper (yea, I know, but whatever) and I get around 900mbps. Which is ridonkulous.

As great as Gina Carano is for her action prowess (look at Haywire, Fassbender got the shit kicked out of him and she barely broke a sweat)....her acting has always left something to be desired. I think her best performance was probably in Deadpool where she was supposed to just be angry all the time.

He was really toeing the line when he bought that camera.

The bit where he says “Leslie I put your symptoms into the computer and it says you have network connectivity problems” was ad libbed and also flipping great.

Easily my favorite Chris Pratt scene of all time.

My issue is that the bathrooms at my workplace (which are controlled by the building not by my employer) are stocked with the thinnest and driest TP I’ve ever used. I hope for ghost poops every time.

I once wondered if someone had drowned in a cup of his own spit. Appropriate for Sessions, especially since he might fit in the cup.

You’re right. A lot of white people are not interested in disrupting the status quo. Fuck those white people. This is some gestapo shit. FUCK THAT NOISE. Bigots are scared assholes. I’m frankly so very engrossed in addressing my own, admittedly first world/white person, problems that I don’t make time to contribute to

I had a lot of fun with this game. And I got to murder Nazis. Can’t complain. Especially for $20. Buy it, kill Nazis, feel good.

I had a lot of fun with this game. And I got to murder Nazis. Can’t complain. Especially for $20. Buy it, kill

The whole point is to create a horrible situation and then pin it on the opposition, subsequently blaming them for the situation not being resolved as a means to pander to his base.

That’s fucked up.

Lol, I would have gone with oboe but good show.

Star for A Clarinet And Present Danger. I can only hope that it’s better than its predecessor Piccolo Games.

Interesting commentary on the state of this internet world.

You get a star for a number of reasons but namely for your use of “felch.”

The “look behind” feature that lets you keep running away but see how close they are got a lot of use.