
Good riddance.

Lifehacker, reporting on the really important things.

A lot of death metal. And John Petrucci.

For sure, at this point it remains a talking point because he gets so agitated over the allegation that he has tiny hands.

I didn’t get to the “Jr” part of the title before I clicked on the article and I’m disappointed this isn’t an article about Donald Trump, POTUS, deadlifting poorly.


One time I was asked to leave a changing area while waiting for my then girlfriend now wife. Apparently people thought I was trying to catch a look-see (while I’m buried in my phone of course). I was surprised that people thought I would do that to the point where I left the store because I couldn’t respond

I was both expressing shock that there are still places that don’t have a minimum age and wondering if, in those places, you need parental consent to marry as a minor. But you make good points about what parental consent is a masquerade for.

Really? Is there even an age under which the person needs parental consent?

Yea, they would have a shitty position if they were to take that position. Even if accused, they would have to be found guilty in order for their right to buy a gun to revoked. I’m a white male gun owner and I’m all for more protections against people with a history of violence from owning a gun, going so far as to

Instructions unclear, eating a runner...

Assassin’s Creed Origins. And hopefully the new bits that downloaded for The Division allow it to run at all on my Windows 10 rig.

A lot of mid to high end cars have this through an app on your phone. I can pull up my car’s location in about 15 seconds. So can my wife. We can even remotely lock it. She can remote start hers. Audi A4 and a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Made sense to me. It’s scifi/fantasy, you have to suspend disbelief a little.

Pretty sure it was Original Angel.

Wow....that’s bad. The one phone I had with wireless charging did work through the case but it otherwise turned my phone into a space heater.

Why? It’s a buzzword feature that affords you barely any convenience and only serves to waste your time. Any time saving convenience you gain from not having to plug it in is lost in the amount of time it takes to actually charge and potential heat damage to your battery.

..........................too late. Ordered it on release day and it’s coming at the end of the week. I guess I’ll be submitting to under warranty replacement.

Might as well just say double plus good.