
In the past, I’ve gotten flats and spent the 10 minutes to put the full size spare on, then gone and dropped off the busted tire at the tire place and gone to work. I pick it up at the end of the day and that wheel becomes the spare. When I say full size spare, I just had 5 identical wheels and one was in the

It’s like Trump isn’t sure we think he’s a overripe orange that’s all seeds and no fruit and has to go that extra mile to really drive the point home. Fucking jackass.

I agree. I own a bunch of guns and am all for reasonable restrictions. It takes far too little time to buy a long gun.

To be clear, I don’t mean that of all women, just Carrie Fisher shouldn’t be messed with, only that Carried Fisher was particularly bad ass and I found her response to the events depicted in the article to be perfect.

Can I star an article? She was not to be messed with.

Yea, funnily enough, the Apple USB<->Ethernet adapter works out of the box on the Pi. Only a little configuration required to have the ethernet adapter and the wifi in the same dhcp pool.

I used to call this one dude out at work for mansplaining to me about all the things taught him how to do. Sometimes I would give him bad info just to see what happened.

I...managed to poorly describe an app I have on my own phone. It has more than just CCW details. Links to laws and details regarding general firearm stuff per state. Thanks SB861!

There’s also an app, unrelated to the site I posted about, that offers a similar set of data, geared entirely towards concealed carry.

Eh...I had wireless charging back on my S3. Found it ineffective and not particularly useful. Obviously, it’s been a few years, but still. I rarely charge my phone except overnight or while driving so I don’t even think about it things like wireless charging.

Check out the Traveler’s Guide to the Firearm Laws in the Fifty States. Guy is a lawyer who updates this booklet annually with each states gun laws, what can go where, whether you have to notify law enforcement that you have a gun, etc.

This guy’s a douche. And clearly doesn’t understand what would happen if we went back with a gun. The first cop that sees him is going to plug him.

When my wife and we’re looking for houses a few years ago, the real estate agent wanted to show us houses in an HOA. I almost fired her right then and there.

Star for making me need to stifle a snort so as to not wake my wife up.

I found myself watching 9-5 on Starz a few weeks ago. Very good. Favorite part is the garage door opener in the bedroom.

This is my favorite Anderson Cooper gif to the point that I have it saved on my computer.

Wait, so the needle in the ass is bad?

This implies he is both well-endowed enough and flexible enough to do so. I doubt either is true.

Agreed. I was just saying that having a gun at the beginning of the collapse isn’t a bad thing.

I’ve been in ride hailing rides where I’m the only one wearing a seatbelt, including the driver. My colleagues were confused: “why are you wearing a seatbelt?” “Um...so I walk away?”