I tried it once. Got some stern looks from the nun at the next register.
I tried it once. Got some stern looks from the nun at the next register.
On the scat topic, what’s the deal with not letting anybody hear you poop? I get that it’s private but everybody does it. It’s not shameful to poop if you’re in the bathroom (on the toilet...). It is shameful to do while boarding an airplane. Or in the checkout line at the Rite Aid.
I have practical questions....
There are no more wheel jokes to lug out......
There’s a guy who works in my office building who fucking obliterates the backs of all the toilets. I just want to know what he’s having for lunch. It looks like arterial blood spatter but made of shit.
Flat put not true.
I got t-boned by a cop once. It was my fault. ;-)
Yes, I know. That’s why I like it.
It’s worth noting that they only notify you if they think the email is “important”. That means not bulk mail. At least that’s my observation.
...real weak...? Do you mean really? Weak is an adjective and therefore must be modified by an adverb rather than an adjective.
I have a dual monitor system at home that I share between a Windows gaming rig and my Macbook Pro through a dual DisplayPort KVM. Works well enough.
I recently had a guy call saying he was from the US Treasury Department and had $6800 with my name on it if I could verify some personal information. The conversation went like this:
It’s probably some implementation of Qualcomm Quick Charge. It will charge very quickly and heat up the battery a bit. However, define “hot”. Is it warm to the touch or painful to the touch? My observation is that if the phone is just sitting there, turbocharging, the heat it generates is “scary” but not dangerous.
In fact, I was referring to the author of the article or whoever chose the title of the article.
At least it’s not lady cop.
The struggle is real.
Yea I’m with you on this and I’m a grammar freak. English is not an easy language and the fact that people learn it even as well as the above paragraphs as a second (or third, fourth, etc) language is impressive.
Technical details aside, it makes you look like a fool.
My recent upgrade of an Audi has both auto head lights and auto high beams. And auto wipers. And auto steering. And adaptive cruise control. Wait....I don’t have to drive anymore.
Not in Texas apparently. In the states I have permits (NY, CT, and UT), there was some pretty serious background checks I had to go through, but no direct psychological evaluation. I would argue that there should have been. Not because I need to be psychologically evaluated, but that everyone should be.